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[TenTec] WTB: Reed Relay

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] WTB: Reed Relay
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 20:01:45 -0500

>Look for a very quiet T/R reed relay as used in the Triton and
other Ten-Tec
>series transceivers.  There's a variance in the loudness of the
relay and
>mine is much too loud.  I once owned an early Triton IV and it
was extremely
>quiet.  Anyone have a quiet one to sell?  Anyone know if it's
the same type
>as used in the Omni Six?  Thanks!

Why not call Ten-Tec service department and ask to buy one or
two....how much can they be?

I've bought reed relays from Jameco and from Radio Shack and been
pleased with their quietness on all counts.  I can't recall ever
running across a 'loud' reed relay.

dale, kg5u

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