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Re: [TenTec] Power Suppy for Omni 6 & tuners

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Power Suppy for Omni 6 & tuners
From: d.e.warnick@comcast.net
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 19:31:34 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Let's put to bed the idea that mismatched loads should not be an issue. I have 
2 Palstar tuners, an AT5K and a BT1500A. Great high quality products. 
Mismatched loads "should not" be an issue. However, switching to the wrong 
antenna, having a tuner set for a wrong band, a break in an antenna wire have 
all happened over the past few years. Operator error should be assumed to 
happen at least once in a lifetime. That's all it takes to wipe the finals out 
of one of my Omni VI+'s. I have 2 962 and 1 961 PS's. In every case to date of 
a cockpit error (like having the power turned up when tuning, rather than at 10 
watts where I "thought" it was), the power supply shut down. I had to turn PS 
and rig off and on to get back on the air. Somehow that seems like a better 
alternative than replacing finals and retuning or realigning. It also allows me 
some arrogance in setting up a new antenna. 

Just my thoughts on the issue. 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Rippy" <svtincup@yahoo.com> 
To: TenTec@contesting.com 
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 8:43:02 AM 
Subject: [TenTec] Power Suppy for Omni 6 & tuners 

At the beginning of this month, I had asked the list 
about tuners and the feedback was extremely helpful. 
I have been operating for the past several weeks with 
my new LDG Pro 200 and I am very pleased with my decision. 
The tuner works well with both my Omni 6 and Triton rigs, 
and it certainly has increased the ease of operation. 

I understand that the older TT rigs were not built 
with current protection for mismatched loads and I 
do have TT power supplies. My question is in response 
to Jim Brown's point about using any power supply. If 
you think or know that mismathed loads should not be 
an issue, then what is the level of risk using a linear power 
supply? I am not familiar with either an "Airpax" or an 
after market magnetic circuit breaker; but I will do 
the reasearch since I may need to use a non-TT power 
supply at some future date. I am under the impression 
that TT can rebuild a 961 or 962 power supply but the 
cost may be significant; therefore the linear supply 

Roger Rippy   W7RIP   Bozeman, Montana    

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