TenTec Omni 545 w/Digital Readout,
708 Desk Microphone, Power Supplies,
Filter, Keyer, Remote VFO, and Noise Blanker
For Sale
TenTec Omni 545 with Digital Readout For Sale:
The 160 thru 10 meter HF transceiver is technically
an Omni 545 analog. However, a frequency counter
has been added, so that it now has a digital readout.
So it is basically similar to an Omni 546.
It produces 100 Watts and has a very good
receiver. An audio CW filter is built in, which
is extremely effective.
This is a "Series B" Omni.
Cosmetically it is very good, but not mint.
Everything works as it should.
Buy the rig with the counter and manual for
Model 708A deluxe base microphone.
The TenTec model 708A is an omni-directional
dynamic microphone designed for use as a
communications station microphone for Amateur
Radio use. The unit consists of a metal
die-cast base (plastic bottom cover) with
3 position PTT switch with momentary TX, OFF,
and LOCK positions, flexible metal gooseneck,
dynamic microphone element and ball-type
element housing. The element has tailored
frequency response from 30 Hz to 12 kHz
designed for excellent transmit audio in SSB,
AM, and FM modes.
It has a round 8 pin connector, which fits
both TenTec and Yaesu.
This one works fine, and looks like new. In
fact it basically is new. It has only been
used for testing.
Buy it with paper work for $100.
TenTec 255 Power Supply/Speaker For Sale:
The TenTec 255 power supply is designed
to provide 18 amps at 13.5 volts, which
means it will power most 100 watt HF rigs.
It also includes a built in speaker that
has great fidelity.
Also included is an electronic latching
circuit that will turn the power supply
off if more than 20 amps is pulled from it.
The output is provided via a four pin AMP
connector, as used on most of TenTec's HF
transceivers. There are also two RCA phono
sockets for low current use.
A front panel meter indicates current drawn.
This one works 100% as it should, and looks
Buy it with paper work for $125.
TenTec Model 2000, 1800 Hz Crystal Filter
The Model 2000 filter is used in the Orion II
(NOT the Orion I), and in the Eagle, and
possibly other rigs.
The 1800 Hz bandwidth give narrow SSB, or
wide CW.
This one works fine, and looks like new, as
if that matters for a filter inside the rig.
Buy it for $85.
TenTec 243 Remote VFO For Sale:
The TenTec 243 Remote VFO is an accessory to
the OMNI transceiving system which allows two
frequencies of operation. A mode switch with
LED indicators provides selection of any one
of six modes of operation: OMNI transmit and
receive; REMOTE transmit and receive; OMNI
transmit-REMOTE receive; REMOTE transmit-OMNI
receive; OMNI transmit-both receive; and REMOTE
transmit-both receive.
Full, instant break-in is retained no matter
what mode is selected.
In addition to the remote capability, a four
position crystal oscillator may be selected
as the remote generator for fixed frequency
operation, such as for MARS or net operation.
This is a very versatile unit!
This one works as it should and looks great.
Buy it with paper work for $100
TenTec Model 645 Keyer with Paddles For Sale:
The 645 keyer uses transistor switching and
is powered by the transceiver. Adjustable
magnetic paddle return, with a paddle force
5 to 50 gms. Speed 6 - 50 wpm. Variable
weighting. Dit/dah memories with defeat
switches. Torque drive paddles with 4 ball
bearing pivots.
It is powered through the the rigs 12 Volt
DC system. (220-350mA at 13.5 V DC)
Keyed Output: Low voltage positive transistor.
Speed Range: 6 to 50 WPM
Time Base: Keyed to start with paddle actuation
Character Generation: Self-completing dits and dahs
Memories: Dit and Dah, each individually defeatable
Size: HWD 2-1/2" X 5-1/2" X 8-1/4"
This one works 100%, and looks great.
Buy it with paper work for $100.
TenTec 248 Noise Blanker For Sale:
Do you have pulsing noise you would
like to get rid of?
The TenTec 248 noise blanker is designed
to fit the TenTec Omni 545 and 546 series
of Omni radios. Installation is easy.
You just snip a wire and plug it in.
This is a late model.
This unit works as it should, and includes
hardware and paper work for $45
I also have many other accessories available such as many
different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs, HF
and VHF/UHF antennas, connectors, miscellaneous accessories,
Just too many to list here. Please e-mail your requests.
Prices do not include shipping from Florida.
Ken, W8EK
Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK@FLHam.net or W8EK@arrl.net
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400
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