[TOEC] NRAU-Baltic CW/SSB prel

Ingemar Fogelberg ingemar.fogelberg@framfab.se
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 11:54:26 +0100

Fler resultat finns p� 

73 Ingo, SM5AJV / 8S5A

-----Original Message-----
From: Lars Aronsson
To: toec@contesting.com
Sent: 1/25/01 10:42 PM
Subject: [TOEC] NRAU-Baltic CW/SSB prel

Dessa �r de resultat jag f�tt n�r det g�ller NRAU-Baltic. Finns fler att

73, Lars 	sm3cvm@swipnet.se

NRAU-Baltic CW
OH1F		167 (87/80)	91 (44/47)	=> 30.394	OH1NOA
SM2T		133 (85/48)	79 (49/30)	=> 21.014	SM2EZT
8S5X		127 (67/60)	76 (41/35)	=> 19.304	SM5HJZ
SM3X		124 (80/44)	77 (45/32)	=> 19.096	SM3CVM
SM5AJV	120 (83/37)	70 (46/24)	=> 16.800
OH1F		196 (91/105)	114 (55/59)	=> 44.688	OH1NOA
SM2T		132 (63/69)	82 (38/44)	=> 21.648	SM2EZT
SM0W		75 (36/39)	53 (25/28)	=> 7.844	SM0WKA
SM5AJV	55 (41/14)	43 (31/12)	=> 4.730


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