SV: [TOEC] SM team i WRTC 2002?

Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER" <
Tue, 3 Jul 2001 23:41:33 -0000

Nja, lugn i stormen grabbar!

Vad som h�nt hittills �r f�ljande:

Jag fick ett mail fr�n WRTC2002 Team Selection sub-group, eftersom dom inte visste att SM4BNZ numera �r SSA:s Contest Manager. Jag vidarebefordrade det mailet till SM4BNZ, SM3CVM och SM5KUX f�r �tg�rder.

Att Lasse, CVM gjort sitt har vi sett i senaste QTC, men huruvida i f�rsta hand SSA:s kontaktperson mot WRTC2002 Organization �r utsedd har jag ingen aning om. Jag har heller ingen aning om hur BNZ och KUX t�nkt sig forts�ttningen...

(F�r resten, jag ing�r g�rna i ett team, om jag f�r chansen och om n�'n vill ha mig med som "team mate" ...)

S� h�r skrev jag:

- - - - - - - - - -

From: "Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER" <>
To: "Rolf Arvidsson" <>,
 "Lars Aronsson" <>,
 "Sigge SM5KUX" <>
Subject: VB: WRTC2002 National team selection
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 15:04:03 -0000

Hej Rolf, Lasse och Sigge!

Vidarebefordrar denna inbjudan fr�n WRTC2002 Organization.

Till dig Rolf, eftersom du numera �r SSA Contest Manager, till dig Lasse, f�r ev. publicering i QTC och till dig Sigge, f�r k�nnedom.

De vill att vi konfirmerar mottagandet av deras e-mail - det har jag redan gjort.

Sedan vill dom ha en kontaktperson och hans e-mailadress s� fort som m�jligt och allra senast 30 juni, 2001.

Dom vill ocks� ha call och namn p� de tv� contesters, vilka ska v�ljas ut av Contest Manager, som ska forma Sveriges team i WRTC2002. Deadline f�r den anm�lan �r 15 oktober, 2001.

Av de Skandinaviska l�nderna �r det bara SM och OH som �r inbjudna med ett ordinarie 2-manna-team. Deltagande team f�r mat och husrum betalda, men resan dit och hem f�r man st� f�r sj�lv.

M�jlighet finns ocks� f�r individuella ans�kningar, eftersom ett "wild-card", eller som dom ocks� kallar det "sub-continental pre-allocated team", finns f�r ett team fr�n "North Europe" (the citizens or permanent residents of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland).

S� - det f�rsta som m�ste g�ras - v�lj vilken som ska vara SSA:s kontaktperson mot WRTC2002 Organization och meddela dem kontaktpersonens call och e-mailadress snarast (f�re 30 juni).

73 de Jan

Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER - Contest call: 7S3A
SAC 2000 Contest Committee Chairman
E-mail: - ICQ: 11074897
SM3CER Contest Service:
SK3BG Web Site:
Mostly QRV in MS or MM from: SK3BG - SK3HQ - SK3IK - SL3ZV
K6U at WRTC-96 / Referee at WRTC-2000

----- Ursprungligt meddelande ----- 
Fr�n: Timo <>
Till: Jan-Eric Rehn/SM3CER <>
Skickat: den 3 juni 2001 12:46
�mne: WRTC2002 National team selection

From: WRTC2002 Organization   June 3, 2001

Dear SSA HF Contest Manager

The World Radiosport Team Championship, 'WRTC', the "Olympics" of international Amateur Radio contesting, will take place in Finland in July 2002. WRTC 2002 is being organized jointly by Contest Club Finland (CCF) and The Finnish Amateur Radio Society (SRAL). 

These periodic WRTC events bringing together over fifty (50) teams comprised of the "Best of the Best" contest operators from around the world for a week of super-charged operating skills competitions. The WRTC is organized around an on-the-air competition among two-person teams. By bringing the competitors together in one geographical area and providing equal operating conditions (antennas, power etc), the variables normally associated with a radio contest are neutralized, thus the operating skills are emphasized. 

Here we would like to ask for your help. We'd like you to select the two best contesters of your country to form a two-person team that would eventually represent Sweden in the forthcoming WRTC2002 competition. The team selection deadline is October 15th, 2001. The team members are assumed to have some good scores made over the past 2-3 years and that selected team would be equally proficient in handling SSB and CW operating effectively in contest environment.

The WRTC2002 organizing committee will take care of the team's housing and meals, but not the travel costs to Finland.

We would like you also to select a contact person as soon as possible and give us the email address.
Also, please send a confirmation that you have received this email to:

For any info you might need, please check the WRTC2002 website at:  or contact us at


1) confirmation for receiving of this email - as soon as possible
2) informing a name and email of your contact person - as soon as possible, June 30th, 2001 the latest
3) informing your selected team - deadline October 15th, 2001
4) national teams will be published by WRTC2002 organization - deadline November 1st, 2001


Timo Klimoff OH1NOA 
Yrj�nkatu 4 A 15, 28100 Pori, Finland

Ari Korhonen OH1EH 
Kreetalankatu 9A1, 29200 Harjavalta, Finland

WRTC2002 Team Selection sub-group

73 de Janne

Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER - Contest call: 7S3A
SAC 2000 Contest Committee Chairman
E-mail: - ICQ: 11074897
SM3CER Contest Service:
SK3BG Web Site:
Mostly QRV in MS or MM from: SK3BG - SK3HQ - SK3IK - SL3ZV
K6U at WRTC-96 / Referee at WRTC-2000

----- Ursprungligt meddelande ----- 
Fr�n: Teemu S Korhonen <>
Till: <>
Skickat: den 3 juli 2001 22:55
�mne: Re: [TOEC] SM team i WRTC 2002?

> Vi g�r som j�nkkarna
> Man f�r f�resl� kandidater sedan fr�gar man vilka som vill och sedan r�star
> vi!
> /Teemu  WKA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mikael Westerlund" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 12:36 AM
> Subject: SV: [TOEC] SM team i WRTC 2002?
> > Du tog ordet ur min mun Tord!
> >
> > Med tanke p� att det g�r av stapeln i OH s� finns det nog r�tt m�nga som
> kan t�nka sig att �ka om dom f�r chansen.
> >
> > Det b�sta �r om vi som k�r test kan enas om vilka som skall deltaga. Samla
> alla som VILL va med och sen r�star vi fram dom vi vill ha som operat�rer.
> >
> > Blir vi inte �verens s� f�r SSA sista ordet
> >
> > Fler ide�r ??
> >
> > Micke JLA
> >
> > ----- Ursprungligt meddelande -----
> > Fr�n: Tord E Julander <>
> > Till: <>
> > Skickat: den 4 juli 2001 00:05
> > �mne: [TOEC] SM team i WRTC 2002?
> >
> >
> > > Hej p� er alla!
> > >
> > > N�gon som vet hur vi h�r i SM land v�ljer ut "v�rt team" till WRTC 2002?
> > >
> > > Finns det n�gon/n�gra inom SSA som sk�ter detta?
> > > Vem har bollen?
> > >
> > > /Tord -EVR
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > TOEC on the Web:
> > > Submissions:    
> > > Administrative requests:
> > > Problems:       
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > TOEC on the Web:
> > Submissions:    
> > Administrative requests:
> > Problems:       
> >
> --
> TOEC on the Web:
> Submissions:    
> Administrative requests:
> Problems:       

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