[TOEC] TOEC-testen resultat 2002

Jonathan Silvergran, SM3OJR sm3ojr@jonit.com
Sun, 05 Jan 2003 20:14:47 +0100

Lite mindre f=F6r sent denna g=E5ng. N=E4stan p=E5 samma =E5r som testen! =

F=F6r er som =E4r intresserade kan jag meddela att antalet inskickade loggar=
 var n=E4stan dubbelt s=E5 m=E5nga som i fjol. Gott hopp om att kunna k=F6ra=
 vidare, allts=E5... Hoppas bara att det blir fler svenskar och framf=F6rall=
t TOEC'are i listan i h=F6st!

Resultatet ligger =E4ven p=E5 v=E5r hemsida. www.qsl.net/toec


The stations marked with an asterisk will receive an award. (First three in=
 each class regardless of location)

Class  Call     QSO     Pts  Fields  Score       Club              Notes=20
------ -------  ------- ---- ------- ----------- -----------------=
SB10   SQ8GHY *   6        6       3      18

SB15   UA9QFF * 133      383      18      6894
       RN4SS *  118      148      19      2812           =20
       JR9NVB *  49      131      15      1965           =20
       RA0FU     56      142      13      1846           =20
       SQ9FMU    52       80      16      1280           =20
       SP3AOT    34       54      14      756    SPDXC     =20
       YC1OIA    22       59      11      649           =20
       JA3HBF    22       58      11      638           =20
       OK1DSU     7       21       4      84           =20
SB20   YO6EX *  200      261      24      6264           =20
       KA0GGI *  69      192      17      3264   Soc.of Midwest C. Mults=
       UA6JD *  103      141      19      2679           =20
       UN7EX     74      210      12      2520           =20
       UX7QD    105      135      16      2160           =20
       US3QW     88      110      14      1540           =20
       EA3ALV    77       89      12      1068           =20
       OK1ARO    36       48      14      672           =20
       RA3FD     34       40      15      600    Pushkino MO     =20
       JK1LUY    21       63       9      567           =20
       JF3EBO    21       59       7      413           =20
       EA4BWR    37       37      10      370    URE     =20
       SP3JUN    22       24      10      240           =20
       YB2MTA     9       27       7      189           =20
       PA3FXS    13       15       5      75           =20
SB40   YO2CJX * 101      125      16      2000           =20
       RK3BX *   41       49      13      637    Motorola Russia DX Club    =
       BW3/UA3VCS* 28     60      10      600    VRC     =20
       ZC4DW     20       52       7      364           =20
       OH6NPV    21       29      11      319           =20
SB80   No entries                                   =20
SOAB   LY1DR *  634      966     124      119784 LDXG     =20
       RZ3AZ *  600      828      98      81114  RCC     =20
       UA9JKA * 405     1119      67      74973           =20
       UA3TU    400      548      85      46850           =20
       RA4HW    318      432      57      24624           =20
       F5IN     210      344      64      22016  UFT     =20
       LZ4UU    160      236      46      10856           =20
       N2ED     145      421      25      10525           =20
       AA3B     129      369      23      8487   Frankford Radio Club     =
       JL3SBE    82      208      37      7696           =20
       RW9MJ    147      399      18      7182   Omsk Radio Club     =20
       RP4ASB   150      196      34      6664           =20
       PA5WT    107      139      35      4865           =20
       YL2GTD   104      158      30      4740           =20
       SM5AJV    86      146      23      3358   TOEC     =20
       OH3HTR    56       86      33      2838          =20
       SM5INC    76       92      29      2668   TOEC     =20
       N6ZZ      44      124      19      2356           =20
       UU2JQ     40       52      18      936           =20
       EA1FBJ    26       30      17      510    URS     =20
       G0WHO     20       22      11      242           =20
       PA0FEI    14       14      11      154           =20
       PY4FQ      8       24       6      144           =20
SOLP   UA9CNV * 290      801      65      52065           =20
       EU1AZ/8 * 443     585      78      45630  Belarus Contest Club     =
       LY2BM *  309      411      65      26715           =20
       SM3X     273      353      54      19062  TOEC     =20
       HB9ARF   256      340      56      19040           =20
       G4OGB    274      365      51      18615           =20
       SM3AVW   270      318      57      18126  JRA     =20
       RK1NA    264      354      51      18054           =20
       8S0F     286      246      48      16608           =20
       UN7CZ    176      480      34      16320           =20
       UN9LN    157      416      37      15392           =20
       UA9SP    137      391      38      14858           =20
       ON4KLG   198      262      56      14672           =20
       LZ2UZ    183      261      51      13311           =20
       UA3AVR   223      296      36      10656           =20
       UA9APA   108      312      31      9672           =20
       RX3AGQ   175      219      44      9636           =20
       I2AZ/1   155      224      42      9408           =20
       SP9EMI   130      186      50      9300           =20
       SM7EH    165      205      44      9020   SVARK     =20
       OZ4FF    161      223      37      8251                     Mults=
       RD4M     136      179      45      8055   RCC               Op=3DUA4L=
       YL5M     156      184      38      6992           =20
       G3VQO    112      144      43      6192           =20
       VU2UR     67      174      35      6090           =20
       SP8BAB   194      272      22      5984           =20
       OK1WWJ   131      131      44      5764           =20
       TA3BN     72      202      28      5656           =20
       OK2AJ     97      139      37      5143           =20
       RK3BA    141      185      26      4810           =20
       SM5RE    100      126      38      4788           =20
       VK2AYD    42      126      38      4788           =20
       OK1QM     95      135      35      4725           =20
       EM0U      88      128      30      3840   Kiev Contest Group     =20
       SQ1DNJ   108      136      27      3672           =20
       ON6TJ     94      110      31      3410           =20
       SP5CGN    76      102      33      3366           =20
       G5LP      66       94      27      2538           =20
       JG1EIQ    43      113      21      2373           =20
       YO4AAC/QRP 51      69      23      1587           =20
       JH2NWP    37      105      15      1575           =20
       YO7VJ     51       67      23      1541           =20
       UT0RM     52       80      19      1520           =20
       G0VQR     47       57      25      1425   Reading and District ARC   =
       ON4KVA    45       57      22      1254           =20
       ON5JD     40       56      20      1120           =20
       JA2KKA    25       63      16      1008           =20
       OH3TZ     36       46      21       966           =20
       UA3QIX    42       50      19       950           =20
       SP9MRQ    46       54      17       918           =20
       PA3CLQ    37       41      20       820           =20
       JH5OXF    21       55      14       770           =20

MOMT   No entries                                   =20

MOST   SP9KRT * 249      322      62      20286                    Op=3D=
 SP9ADU, SP9-1753
       YU1AAV *  66      106      93      9858           =20

Chk    RV3DBK    16                             =20
       SM6KRI     8                             =20


BW3/UA3VCS: Just tried my ant. Thanks a lot to everyone.

EU1AZ/8: ICOM-756 100 watts summer fishing QTH Dnieper river

G3VQO: An enjoyable contest, but conditions and activity could have been=

G4OGB: Pity the condx did not match the level of activity.

G0VQR: First time for me in this contest. I would liked to have spent more=
 time operating but I had to work most of the weekend. I will put in a=
 better score next year. Very good contest.

I2AZ/1: It has been a very nice contest with so many stations to work, and=
 very interesting to contact the grids.

JG3EIQ: I like contest number for this test. Not so easy but not so long.=
 Just a size.

LY1DR: Low activity. Just tested repaired YAGI KLM KT34XA @ 10mH ONLY...

N6ZZ: Tried to give out a few contacts....

OK1QM: I was pleasantly surprised when I heard stations calling CQ TOEC. I=
 think that the participation was better than in the previous years when it=
 was poor so hopefully we will have a new interesting contest. Unfortunately=
 I couldn't operate for a longer time.

ON4KLG: Great contest! I enjoyed a lot. I'll be there next year but with=
 better antennas.

ON4KVA: nice test

ON6TJ: Renewed pleasure to participate but the propagation is not the same=
 as last years HI. I utilize only the S&P method to find all contest=
 friends. I hope come back again in 2003. Best 73 to all.

PA0FEI: This was the first time I participated in the TOEC WW GRID CW=
 contest. I don't think I belong to the Top Of Europa Contesters.....=
 Nevertheless, it was a pleasure to participate.

PA3FXS: As this was the first contest I participated (I am a ham radio=
 amateur for 22 yrs already!), it is not a shocking score. But, to be=
 honest, it is the highest score, I ever achieved in a contest! It was a=
 good contest to start with, more to come.

SQ8GHY: Very nice contest, my radio is mono band and working single band.=
 Propagation this weekend very bad. Good luck, all the best.

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