Marko Holmavuo marko.holmavuo at dnainternet.net
Mon Sep 22 08:05:39 EDT 2003

                                SAC SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 20-Sep-03, 21-Sep-03

    Callsign Used : OH4R
         Operator : OH4JFN

         Category : SOAB LP

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries

   80CW      208         196        410        29
   40CW      300         288        623        41
   20CW      451         428        924        51
   15CW      141         137        387        30
   10CW       19          19         55        10

 Totals     1119        1068       2399       161

    Claimed Score = 386239 points.

No excuses....I made some tactical mistakes on sunday when 10 and 15 was in
good shape to JA. It was really hard to get any EU mults trough on 10/15, so
I lost a lot of time while knocking my head to (aurora?)wall.

There were 283 band changes and 123 second radio Qsos...

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