[TOEC] Vb: Re: Sv: Fwd: Hamfest in Portblair-vu2rbi-delhi

Hakan Eriksson SM5AQD sm5aqd at telia.com
Sat Aug 6 11:13:43 EDT 2005

Finns det intresse att köra från VU4. se brevet nedan.

Man vill att så 
många som möjligt kan komma på denna "HAMFEST".
Dom hjälper till med VU 
license för att kunna aktivera VU4 callet.
Många stationer ute på olika 
öar i VU4 land.

Finns det några intresserade ??

mvh / Håkan -AQD

Ursprungligt meddelande----
Från: bharathipd at yahoo.com
Datum: 06-08-
2005 12:10
Till: Hakan Eriksson SM5AQD <sm5aqd at telia.com>
Ärende: Re: 
Sv: Fwd: Hamfest in Portblair-vu2rbi-delhi

dear hawk, this is the 
text of attachment. pse
best regards 



We would like to express our appreciation for your
remarkable service to the teams that worked during the
VU4 Dx-pedition & Tsunami relief
operations. The contributions made by 
you and amateur
radio community to NIAR have been invaluable to us. 


This activity received tremendous appreciation in
Electronic & Print 
media all over the world. The
ARRL's Award and German DX Associations 
to the members of the team is certainly the
for Hams and for their role in disaster


We are now 
making every effort to see that the Andman
and Nicobar Islands are 
permanently habited with
licensed radio amateurs as a response to the
appreciation and world wide demand, the Government of
India is 
considering very positively to NIAR's


Ms. Bharathi, 
VU2RBI along with 3 other Hams from NIAR
including me had the 
opportunity to attend USA's
Dayton Hamevention 2005, and German 
Hamradio 2005, and
personally met several   Dx'ers, Interestingly this
time the Government of India had sponsored senior
officials to both 
these events to the award ceremony
conducted in USA/Germany. These 
officials had
interacted with several hams from all over the world
visited Exhibition stalls besides attending to
some of the 
seminar/lectures. These officials also
received several requests from 
DX Hams to permit them
to go to Andaman & Nicobar (VU4) also to the
Lakshadweep Islands (VU7). The NIAR has also forwarded
several such 
requests to these officials. 


The officials have made favorable 
proposals to
government of India to further promote amateur radio
activity in India which include permission to foreign
hams to operate 
from VU4 and V& Islands. 


There is a dialogue going on between NIAR 
and the
Govt. of India on a regular basis. Now the officials
wish to 
know from us as to how many Hams will be
seriously attending a Hamfest, 
if it is organized in
these Islands also with a special permission 
to them to operate their amateur radio stations during
and also thereafter. 


We have promised them to come back with 
information in another 2 weeks time.   It appears the
will consider seriously if there are good number
of hams are willing to 
attend the Hamfest sponsored by
Govt. of India as they would like to 
hear and see the
hams participation. This will also enable the Govt. to
taken many steps to promote amateur radio in India and
in this region 
affected by Tsunamis.


It is in the above context, NIAR has proposed 
conduct a Hamfest in Portblair, Andaman Islands during
Holidays & New year i.e between 25 December,
2005- 10th January, 2006 
(any 3 days in between). Port
Blair has good infrastructure facilities 
Air and Sea
connections from Chennai and Kolkatta. 


The Governor of 
the Islands and others important
functionaries of government of India 
will be the
honored guests. This is besides the permission to be
granted to DX'ers visiting the Islands to operate Ham


Dx'ers will have the opportunity to meet the
first citizen of the 
Islands and with his help we will
also try to organize visits to nearby 
islands to see
the aboriginals (tribes) whom it is not normally
possible for all. 


It is not necessary that every ham carry ham set 
Indian Islands from your lands as NIAR can also make
arrangements/facilities for the equipment from those
already sponsoring 
to us. 


May I now request you to send in your opinion
addressed by 

Prof. Ram Kapse,

Lt. Governor, 

Andaman & Nicobar Islands, 

Port Blair



Email: lg at and.nic.in , ramkapse at and.nic.in


And a copy by E-mail to NIAR: vu2nro at gmail.com for
follow up and 
further action.


Thanking you.


Yours sincerely,






Donor List 
Institute of Amateur Radio
         Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda
           Hyderabad 500082, INDIA

          Telefax: 91-40-2331 0287 
        E mail: niarindia at hotmail.com
           Web site: www.niar.org
        Club station: VU2NRO 14160 kHz Echolink -
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