SM3CVM sm3cvm at swipnet.se
Sun Nov 11 14:45:01 EST 2007

Kalendern finns på www.sk3bg.se/

by KE6GFF, will once again operate as T6EE from Kabul. 
It is suggested to look for him on SSB on or about 14210 kHz. QSL via his home callsign: John Kountz, 1065 van Dyke Dr., Laguna Beach, CA 92651. 

- 12/11 WEST MALAYSIA; 9M4DXX AS-015
from Penang Island by JA1OCZ. He plans to operate CW, SSB and FM on 80-10 metres and to make a special effort during the Japan International DX SSB Contest (10-11 November). QSL via 9M2TO, direct or bureau.

- 14/11 TONGA; A35AX
by ON5AX and his XYL ON3AX travelling the South Pacific Ocean until Dec 14. They will be QRV in CW/SSB/PSK on 40m/30m/20m.

by DL2AH on 10-40 m RTTY/SSB. QSL hc direct or via bureau.

- 15/11 SYRIA; YK9SV AS-186 AS-186 IOTA NEW!
from Arwad Island by SV1IW, SV1ACK, SV1GYG, SV1JG, SV1QN, SV1RC, SV1RP and SV8CS. They plan to operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK on all HF bands plus 6 metres with at least two stations running around the clock. QSL via SV1JG. Look at http://www.raag.org/arwad/ for further information.

- 15/11 SYRIA; 6C6Ø
Syrian operators have been authorized to use a special prefix (6C6Ø) from 15 October to 15 November to celebrate the 60th anniversary of amateur radio in their Country.

He plans to operate SSB on 40-10 metres with 100 watts and
vertical/dipole antennas. QSL via home call direct or bureau.

- 17/11 INDIA; AT6ØMY
celebrating the 60th anniversary Indian Independence, members of the National Institute of Amateur Radio in Hyderabad will be active. QSL via VU2NRO.

- 17/11 DOMINICA; J75/DKØRZ NA-101

- 18/11 BRUNEI; V8FWP, V8FWU and V8FDM      
by PA3EWP (V8FWP, QSL via PA7FM), F5CWU (V8FWU, QSL via F5CWU) and GM4FDM (V8FDM, QSL via GM4FDM). Activity will be on all bands from 160-10 meters, conditions permitting. Modes of operations will be on CW, SSB and RTTY. Special attention will be given to the lower bands (160-30m). Also, special attention will be given
to Western Europe and the USA. They plan to use at least one beam antenna along with verticals and dipoles. All operators have plenty of experience during DXpedition operation. Depending on InterNet availability, they shall try to maintain online logs at a Web site yet to be established.

by DL1BDF, who will be attending a conference in Cairo
organized by a local ITU section. The subject of the conference will be "How Amateur Radio can help handicapped persons to live". During his stay in Cairo, Mustapha will be active during his spare time.

active holiday style. QSL via home call. Further information and QSLling policy at http://www.sm7dkf.se/

- 23/11 USA; N8OIL/4 NA-058
from St. Simons Island. QSL via home call direct or bureau. 

- 24/11 MAURITIUS; 3B8/SM7DKF AF-049
this will be a holiday style operation, with activity on the usual IOTA frequencies mostly SSB and perhaps also digital
modes. QSL direct to his home callsign (see QRZ.com). For more details, visit http://www.sm7dkf.se/index-info.htm

- 26/11 GHANA; 9G5XA
by G3XAQ. He will operate CW only and will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as a SOSB entry, probably on 15 metres. He plans to concentrate on 30 and 17 metres outside the contest. QSL via G3SWH.

- 26/11 ANGUILLA; VP2EDL and VP2EDM NA-022
by DL5CW and DM5YL, CQ WW DX CW Contest included. They plan to operate mostly CW and RTTY/PSK31 on the HF bands. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.

- 30/11 ALGERIA; 7W53N
to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of the Algerian War of Indipendence. QSL via 7X5VRK.

- 30/11 EGYPT; SU8BHI
by HA3JB from Cairo on CW, RTTY, SSTV, PSK and some SSB. He also plans to be active in the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest and many of the other major upcoming contests. QSL via HA3JB. More information will be available at http://www.qsl.net/ha3jb/

from Rarotonga by K5KG and KK9K. They plan to operate CW and SSB, to concentrate on 160 and 80 metres and to participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as E51MMM. QSLs for both via K5KG. They have a blog at http://www.e51mmm.blogspot.com/ 

- 15/12 MAURITIUS; 3B8/SM6JBC and 3B8/SM6GOR AF-049
FQ will be 3514, 3795, 3580.150, 7014, 7055, 7035.150, 10114, 10142.150, 14014, 14260, 14070.150, 18074, 18140, 18100.150, 21014, 21260, 21070.150, 24914, 24940, 24920.150, 28014, 28495 and 28120.150.

- 31/12         MEXICO; 6G1LM och 6F75A
                due to the Federacion Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores (FMRE) 75-year jubilee. During this year all stations can replace the ordinary prefix as follows: 6H1 for XE1, 6I2 for XE2, 6J3 for XE3 and 6E4 for XF4 (Revilla Gigedo).

- 31/12         BRAZIL; ZY51ØØSCOUT
                by PY5CA due to the Scout organizations 100-year jubilee. QSL hc.

by NM7H (aka G0MKT and YI9WF). Activity will be primarily CW with some PSK and some SSB on 40-10 meters. He may even be on 6 meters if the band opens up. QSL via NM7H, direct or by the bureau.

from Papeete by F5IRO. Activity takes place in CW/SSB/RTTY on all  bands. He may also make a short trip to a nearby IOTA Island. QSL via F5CQ direct or via bureau. An online log can be accessed at   http://www.f5cq.net/dxp/2007-FO5RU/fo5ru-fr.htm

by GMØTQJ, mainly SSB, with some RTTY and PSK31, in his spare time. QSL via home call.

- April     SENEGAL; 6W/EA4ATI eller 6W1EA
                by EA4ATI who hopes to be QRV on most bands. QSL hc direct.

- 30/6  HONG KONG; VR1Ø
to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's reunification with China, Hong Kong stations have been authorized to use the special prefix VR1Ø in replacement of VR2.

by CT1BXT. His preferred mode is RTTY; for the time being he is  active on 20 metres with 100 watts and a dipole, but he hopes to put up a 5-band beam for 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20m. QSL via home call. 

- March 2009    BHUTAN; A52VE
                by JA8VE. He had to leave Bhutan on September 3rd
due to health problems. QSL via JF1OCQ.

- 31/10 2010    CANADA; VA7PX NA-075
                from Mayne Island. QSL via VE7AXU via bureau or direct.

14/11 - 21/11 USA; WA2USA/4 NA-213
from Dauphin Island. He will operate CW/SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL direct or bureau.

14/11 - 26/11 BANGLADESH; S21JO
by LA7JO including CQ WW CW. QSL direct to Thatsana Changphimai, 147/1 - Moo 3, Tambon Boot Ban Ta Bong, Phimai, TH-30110 Nakhon Ratchashima, THAILAND.

15/11 - 18/11 EAST MALAYSIA; 9M6 OC-088
from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah by PG5M as 9M2/PG5M/6 or with a 9M6 callsign. He plans to operate CW only on 10-40 metres with a beam for 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters, and a G5RV for the other bands. QSL via PG5M direct or bureau. His website is at http://www.dx.to/

15/11 - 23/11 US VIRGIN ISLANDS; KP2YL and KP2HC NA-106
from St Croix. They will be QRV on HF CW/SSB. QSL KP2YL and KP2HC direct only via their California address. QSL NP2B via NP2B.

15/11 - 28/11 MOZAMBIQUE; C91KDJ
by W5KDJ on 160-10 metres CW (maybe also RTTY), with a focus on 160 and 80 metres. Grid Square: KG64ik. QSL via home call. Further information at http://www.tdxs.net/c91kdj.html

15/11 - 28/11 SINT MAARTEN; PJ7/hc NA-105
by DH1ND, DG5XJ and DJ5HD. They will also go and operate as FS/homecall from St. Martin during that time frame. Expect them to be active on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY/PSK31. QSL via home calls, direct or bureu.

15/11 - 17/12 REVILLAGIGEDO; 6E4LM and XF4YK
with focus on 160 and 6 meters, but they will be on the other HF bands as well. They plan to use simple antennas and 100 watt radios. Team members will
include Carlos/XE1YK, Manuel/XE1VVD, Eduardo/XE2YW and Daniel/XE3RBA. Mer information finns på http://www.6e4lm.xedx.org/

16/11  USA; W4/G4DYO NA-069
from Captiva Island for few hours on 16 November. He plans operate SSB on 20 metres.

16/11 - 22/11 MAURITIUS ISLAND; 3B8/OH2YY AF-049
He plans to operate SSB on 40-10 metres with 100 watts and
vertical/dipole antennas. QSL via home call direct or bureau.

16/11 - 14/12 NEW ZEALAND; ZL/ON5AX
by ON5AX and his XYL ON3AX travelling the South Pacific Ocean until Dec 14. They will be QRV in CW/SSB/PSK on 40m/30m/20m.

by K7WA, one of the members of the VP5W contest team for the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest. Before and after the contest the contest group will be active as VP5/homecall. Jim will be
active on the FISTS frequencies looking for contacts with other members. QSL via the FISTS Bureau or his home QTH.

18/11 - 26/11 COCOS-KEELING; VK9AA and VK9CCC OC-003
by VK2IA and DJ8NK. Plans are to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 10-160 metres. Look for VK9AA to participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL VK9AA via DL8YR and VK9CCC via DJ8NK.

18/11 - 26/11   BAHAMAS; C6ATA
                by K2KW will be active including participation in the CQ WW DX CW Contest (November 24-25th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40 m)/Low-Power entry. Outside of the contest he will be active on 160-30 meters, mostly CW. QSL via WA4WTG.

18/11 - 26/11 BAHAMAS; C6AKX and C6?
by KE7X (C6AKX) and N6BT (callsign TBD). Activity is planned for the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest. QSL both via WA4WTG.

18/11 - 1/12 BAHAMAS; C6AGY NA-080
from Treasure Cay by ND6S. His activity will include the CQ World
Wide DX CW Contest (November 24-25th), as a Single-Op/All-Band or
Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry. QSL via ND6S.

18/11 - 5/12 INDONESIA; YCØIEM OC-144
from Bangka Island. QSL via IZ8CCW direct or bureau.

ca 18/11 - 18/12 REVILLAGIGEDO; 6E4LM, XF4YK and XF4YW NA-030
from Socorro Island by XE1YK, XE2YW, XE1VVD and XE3RBA Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores (FMRE). They plan to operate as on 160-10  metres CW, SSB and digital modes, plus 6m, 2m and satellite. On their way back to the mainland, they might stop and operate for 3-4 hours from Clarion Island (NA-115) on 15, 17 and 20 metres. Further information can be found at http://www.6e4lm.xedx.org/ where logs will be uploaded after the expedition. QSL 6E4LM via XE2K, QSL XF4YK via XE1YK, QSL XF4YW via XE2YW.

19/11 - 24/12 TUNISIA; 3V
by GMØDHZ for a 5 week holiday-style operation with activity on 80-10 meters and possibly 160m, CW and SSB. QSL via info on QRZ.com.

19/11 - 27/11 SAN ANDRES; HKØ/hc NA-033
by K3WT, NØSTL, WØOR and NØAT. Activity will include the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest as 5JØA, Multi-Single entry. QSL 5JØA via WØJAR, others via home calls, direct or bureau.

20/11 - 26/11 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES; PJ2/homecall SA-006
from Curacao, WLOTA LH-0942. Operators mentioned are WØCG, K8ND, WØNB, W8WTS, GØRTN and possibly others. Their main goal is the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry using the callsign PJ2T. QSL PJ2T via N9AG. QSL all others via their home callsigns. ADDED NOTE: Operators Jeff/K8ND and Jim/W8WTS will stay on until December 3rd. They will also be active in the ARRL 160 Meter Contest (November 30th-December 2nd) using the callsign PJ2T. Also QSL PJ2T via N9AG.

20/11 - 27/11 LORD HOWE ISLAND; VK9L
by VK2CCC (LY1DF). His callsign is not yet confirmed, but it
should be VK9L (something). Activity will be focused on the low bands, mainly CW and an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 24-25th). QSL via the LoTW or via LY1F. Visit his Web page at:    http://www.qrz.lt/ly1df

20/11 - 27/11 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES; PJ4/hc SA-006
from Bonaire by KU8E, K4BAI and K5OT. K8EU will be doing a lot of operating on 160 meters as PJ4/KU8E before and after the contest. Also look for them to be active as PJ4A during the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest. QSL all callsigns via K4BAI.

20/11 - 3/12 MONTSERRAT; VP2M NA-103
by K3VX, K4NO, K7NM, AK9F, K9NR and K9CS (VP2MSC). Activity will include entries in the CQWW DX CW Contest and ARRL 160 Contests Callsigns and other info will be forthcoming. QSL via K9CS.

21/11 - 26/11 ANTIGUA; V26K
by AA3B, activity will include the CQ World-Wide DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. This will be an all CW operation on the contest HF bands only. Please QSL via AA3B.

21/11 - 28/11 DOMINICA; J75W
by WQ5W. The primary purpose of this trip is to operate as a 40m entrant in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. Outside the contest he will concentrate on 160, 80, 30, 17 and 12 metres CW and SSB, plus  RTTY on all bands. QSL via WQ5W, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Alan has set up a blog at http://wq5w.blogspot.com/

21/11 - 30/11 UGANDA; 5X1NH
by G3RWF who will start from Kampala between November 21-26th. He also plans to be active in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest. Outside of the contest, he will try to be active on the low bands and the WARC bands, if conditions allow. Modes will be CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via G3RWF. He is happy to try some skeds;
E-mail address is nick at henwood.demon.co.uk/

22/11 - 12/12 CAMBODIA;  XU7BUM
by F6BUM. He plans to operate only CW during his spare time. QSL via F6CXJ.

23/11 - 27/11 BERMUDA; VP9/OH3SR
activity will be on all bands CW/SSB/RTTY. This will be a
holiday style operation. John will also be active during the CQ World Wide CW Contest. 

23/11 - 28/11 AUSTRALIA; VK4AHY
by JA1OZK, JA1CGC, JA1OHP, JF1TAB, JH1FUD, JL1LOW, JQ2IQW and JK1DRM during the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest. Operators plan to be active outside of the contest using their personal home callsign. QSL via the operators home callsign. QSL VK4AHY via JA1OZK.

24/11 - 25/11 GUINEA; 3XY5D
from Conakry by AA7A, G3SXW, G4BWP, G4IRN, GM3YTS, K4UEE, K5VT and KC7V. They will enter the Multi-Multi category with mono-band antennas for all six bands and kilowatt amplifiers. QSL via  G3SXW, direct or bureau (bureau cards can be requested by e-mail: simply send the QSO details to the e-mail address on http://www.qrz.com/g3sxw
Further information can be found at          http://www.voodoocontestgroup.com/

24/11 - 25/11 CQ World Wide DX CW Contest

24/11 - 27/11 BERMUDA; OH1VR/VP9
he plans to be active in the CQ World Wide CW Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m)/Low-Power entry. QSL via his home callsign.

27/11 - 18/12 ARUBA; P40TA
by K6TA plans to be active in the ARRL 160 Meter Contest as a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL via WM6A and LotW. 

28/11 - 26/1 CANARY ISLANDS; EA8/hc AF-004
Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife by ON5JV and ON6AK. Activity will be  mainly on 20 and 40 metres during their evening hours. QSL via home calls, bureau preferred. 

29/11 - 10/12 MOZAMBIQUE; C91KDJ
by W5KDJ (TF2WJN, SV0WWW, 3DA0KDJ and A25KDJ, mainly CW, possibly RTTY, and he is making 160/80 meters a priority. He plans to use a 72 ft. vertical with 50 or more radials under it. Visit his Web page at http://www.tdxs.net/c91kdj.html

30/11 - 2/12 ANTIGUA; V25W NA-100
by WQ5W. The primary purpose of this trip is to participate in  the ARRL 160 Meter Contest with very limited activity outside that event. QSL via WQ5W direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded  to LoTW. Alan has set up a blog at http://wq5w.blogspot.com/

30/11 - 2/12 ALASKA; K6VVA/KL7 NA-041
from Revillagigedo Island in the ARRL 160 Meter Contest (30 November-2 December) as KL8C. He also hopes to be QRV on other bands during the daytime/non-160m hours. QSL via N6AWD.

30/11 - 7/12 The GAMBIA; C56JJ
by PA4JJ with 100 watts into wire or vertical antennas on 10-80 metres. Maybe some activity on 160 and 6. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Look at http://c56jj.pa4jj.nl/

1/12 - 31/1 CANARY ISLANDS; EA8/hc AF-004
from Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife Island by ON5JV and ON6AK. Activity will be mainly on 20 and 40 meters during their evenings. QSL via their home callsigns, bureau is preferred.

from Providenciales. Look for activity on 6 through 160 metres CW and SSB. They will be operating in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest as VP5E (KØOK) and VP5UB (KB7UB). QSL via home calls. Online logs will be available at http://www.dxer.com/dxlogs/

12/12 - 16/12 VENEZUELA; YW6YL SA-090
from Chimana Grande by a group of five YL operators, YY4LCG, YY4AND, YY5EVA, YY4CVI and YY5ALO will be active. QSL via IT9DAA. The website for the operation is at http://yw6yl.4m5dx.org/

from Signal Point, Curacao, WLOTA LH-0942. Activity will be holiday style on all bands. QSL via his home callsign.

15/12 - 20/1 ROTUMA; 3D2AG/p OC-060 
by 3D2AG/FO5RK on 10-80 metres CW/SSB plus digital modes if local power conditions allow him to use a computer. Tony will use Spiderbeam antennas, solar panels and/or a generator and no linear amplifier. QSL direct to 3D2AG or FO5RK (see qrz.com). Updates will be available at http://www.3d2ag.fr.tc/

16/12 - 22/12 AUSTRALIA; VK2IAY/4 OC-142
from Great Keppel Island by GØUIH. The main operation will be centered around 14260 kHz, but with some possibility of 15/17 meters operations. His equipment will be an IC-706MK2G with homebrew wire dipoles. QSL either direct or by the bureau. Check out the website for further details at         http://www.percy.me.uk/

17/12 - 31/12 ARUBA; P4ØCG
by W2CG on vacation. Operating time will be limited to early mornings/late evenings on 80-10 meters CW/SSB. QSL via his home callsign or LoTW.

26/12 - 1/1 PALAU; T88RY OC-009
from Koror by I2DMI. He will operate RTTY only on the HF bands and 6 metres. Depending on propagation, look for him 3582, 7037,  14082, 21082, 28082, 10139, 18102, 24922 and 50602 kHz, split up 2 (or 2-10, depending on the pile-up). Logs will be available on-line (http://dx.qsl.net/cgi-bin/logform.cgi?t88ry) and will be uploaded to LoTW during the second week of January. QSL via I2DMI. Bureau cards will be sent out in March; those who prefer to go direct can mail their requests to Francesco Di Michele, P.O. Box 55, 22063 Cantu' - CO, Italy.

The 4M5DX Group is organizing an expedition to take place from Suriname during the first half of January. The multi-national  team will include HK1X, LU8ADX, OHØXX, PZ5RA, SV8CS, XE1KK, YV5SSB, YV5KAJ YV5TX. They plan to have three stations active for ten days 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSl via IT9DAA, direct or bureau. For further information please visit http://pz5yv.4m5dx.org/

7/1 - 11/1 AUSTRALIA; VK2IAY/4 OC-160
from South Molle Island by GØUIH. The main operation will be centered around 14260 kHz, but with some possibility of 15/17 meters operations. His equipment will be an IC-706MK2G with homebrew wire dipoles. QSL either direct or by the bureau. Check out the website for further details at                          http://www.percy.me.uk/

10/1 - 14/1 MARIANA ISLAND; KHØ/JI5USJ and AHØV OC-086
from Saipan by JI5USJ and JI5RPT. They plan to operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 80-6 metres, plus satellite and 60m for the  US. QSL KHØ/JI5USJ via JI5USJ, QSL AHØV via JI5RPT. A web page is available at http://www.ji5rpt.com/ah0v/

11/1 - 21/1  GUINEA BISSAU; J5C AF-020
from Bubaque Island by "F6KOP TEAM". Operators mentioned are: F4AJQ, F6AML, F5JSD, F5VHQ, F5TVG, F5PED, F4TTR, F8BUI, F8BJI, F2JD, F2VX, F9IE, N2WB, N6OX and OE8KDK. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, SSB, CW, Digital modes, SSTV and FM. They plan to have 5 stations on the air around the clock. They will use IC7000, FT480 and TS857D, with 4 Spiderbeam, 2 verticals and 3 dipoles. They will also have 4 ACOM 1010 amps. QSL via F5TVG, direct or by the bureau. More details about this operation is available on the
J5C Web site at http://www.j5c.eu/

27/1 - 28/2 SOUTH GEORGIA; VP8DIF AN-007
from Husvik by MMØDWF. Amateur radio operations will be on a spare time basis. QSL via DJ9ZB, direct or bureau.

6/2 - 15/2 COCOS ISLAND; TI9K NA-012
by EA1DR, EA1IR, DH8WR, DJ6SI, DJ7JC, DL2AWG, K5YY, TI2KAC and  W4OI. They plan to be active with 3-4 stations on 160-10m (plus 60m and 6m) CW, SSB, RTTY and possibily PSK31. QSL via EA2CRX, direct or bureau. Further information can be found at http://www.ti9.eu.com/

11/2 - 28/2 DUICE ISLAND; VP6DX OC-182
is being organized to take place in February 2008 by a large team of experienced operators. The current roster includes DL3DXX, DL6FBL, DL6LAU, DL8LAS, ES5TV, K3NA, N5IA, RA3AUU, SP3DOI, SP5XVY, SV1JG, UA3AB and WA6CDR. Landing permissions and licences have  been granted, and a suitable charter vessel has been secured. Activity will be on 160-6 metres with seven stations, all Elecraft K3 transceivers with ACOM amps. The team is seeking financial contributions to help defray the very significant costs of this Dxpedition, well over 200,000 USDs. Full details on how contribute can be found on the expedition web site, http://www.vp6dx.com/ 

12/2 - 25/2 JAMAICA; 6Y5/MØDXR NA-097
activity will include the ARRL DX CW Contest. Outside the contest he will be active on all bands. QSL via his home callsign.

13/2 - 28/2 OGASAWARA; JD1BLY AS-031
from Chichijima Island by JI5RPT (JD1BLY) and possibly others using JD1 callsigns. Activity will be on 160-6 meters on CW,
SSB, Satellites and Digital modes. They will focus on 160 and 80 meters. QSL via their home callsigns. For more details and updates, visit the Web page at http://www.ji5rpt.com/jd1/

26/2 - 13/3 FALKLAND ISLANDS; VP8. 
from Pebble Island by DL2AH. Activity will be holiday style on 40-10 meters mainly on SSB and RTTY using a FT-897. QSL via DL2AH, direct or by the Bureau.
a team lead by N6OX would be going to Clipperton Island sometime in early March 2008, arriving on Clipperton around 4 March. Plans are to operate 12-14 days depending on conditions, with 100,000+ contacts as a goal. The current roster includes N6OX,  N7CQQ, K4SV, N2WB, N6HC, W8AEF, WA1S, K6SGH, K3VN, K4ZLE, K8LEE, VE7VR, F5AHO, F5PAC, AD6E, VA7DX, F6BFH, F5JY, F8FDN, FM5CD and F6FVY.
More details will be forthcoming. The web site for the expedition is at www.clipperton2008.org/

15/3 - 23/3 HONDURAS; HQ8R NA-035
from the rare Swan Island by a team from the Radio Club de Honduras. They are looking for 10 operators to be able to work two PHONE stations, one CW and one RTTY/PSK31 station (total of four stations). Visit the web site at http://www.hondurasdx.com/

activity will be holiday style on 40-10 meters mainly on SSB and RTTY using a FT-897. QSL via DL2AH, direct or by the Bureau.

22/3 - 30/3 SPRATLY ISLANDS; 9MØ
activity will be on CW/SSB on 160-10 meters. QSL via K2RET. Web site for the Spratly operation at: http://www.n1urspratly.com/

CW: 28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10115, 7030 and 3530.
SSB: 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055 and 3755.
The frequencies are NOT exclusive to IOTA!
IOTA net Saturdays at 1300z on 14260 and Sundays at 1300z on 21260!

SM3CVM 2007-November-11

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