[TOEC] Marketing of SAC 2009?

Jonas Hultin jonas at roparudden.se
Wed Jun 10 04:27:39 PDT 2009


Is it not about time to start marketing SAC 2009?

Those of us who read this probably all know which weekends that apply, but
what about the rest of the contesting community?

SM3CER Contest Service announces 20-21 September **2008** as the dates
fore SAC CW: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/sacnsc.htm

SM5AJV Contestspalten expresses gratitude to all participants in SAC
**2008**: http://www.qrq.se/sac/

If I understand correctly, NRRL arranges SAC this year? On their webpage I
can't find anything about SAC published after 2006.

If you have some Norwegian language skills, you may find your way to the
results from SAC **2005**: http://nrrl.no/List.asp?id=219

Or have I just completely missed something obvious?


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