[TOEC] Letter to SAC Contest Committee about SAC 2010 results

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 02:48:07 PDT 2011

Dear TOEC and CCF readers,

With reference to the still "not safe" Final Results for SAC 2010 on the
official SAC Homepage   (see www.sactest.net), I am now publishing a copy of
my letter to the SAC Contest Committee (The HF Contest Managers of Denmark,
Norway, Finland and Sweden)

(I publish this letter here on TOEC and CCF because the content should be of
interest for all the Scandinavian Contest community - and due to the fact
that SAC CC despite three days of waiting obviously has no interest to
answer this letter).

The results were published on March 8th according to the message from EDR
Contest Manager:
now on March 23rd, more than two weeks later, the results are still not
final... - at least if I understand the text   " Maintenance, the result
list is not safe!! " correctly...

My question to you is:  Is it acceptable to you that results are published
more than two weeks on the official SAC page despite not being final?

Despite four different letters asking for removal of these results UNTIL
they are final, nothing has happened!

I have also sent the letter below to the SAC CC concerning the problems with
entries placed in the wrong categories, despite clear evidence and
information from the participants themselves that indicates that they have
operated Assisted (against the rules of SAC).

Question number two:  Is it ok according to you that Single Operator entries
using cluster, skimmer or Reverse Beacon Network can still be classified as
Non-Assisted entries?

Question number 3 (which is a repetition of my questions since more than
three years ):  How long shall we wait until NRAU changes the organization
of SAC, with the aim to improve the obsolete organization of today, that so
many times have proved to create serious problems with marketing, log
checking, publishing of results, sending out of diplomas and awards?

The four SSA HF Contest Managers are obviously happy with the organization -
but what do you as participant of SAC say?

73 de R3/SM6LRR, Mats

Dear SAC Contest Committee,

I am pleased to see that results for SAC 2010 have now been published on the
SAC Homepage www.sactest.net.

I have a few important questions:

1. I see that R3CM is the overall winner of SAC CW, SOMB HP, Europe (and
elsewhere). In his own posting at 3830, he admitted himself to have
participated in SAC CW using "assistance".
http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2010-09/msg01326.html His
score and QSO/Multiplier amount certainly with full clarity confirmed that
he indeed used assistance in the form of DX Cluster, CW-skimmer or Reverse
Beacon Network. He beat the previous record in SAC CW with the amazing
figure of 71% He also increased his own record from the year 2009 with
exactly 100%!  He only participated 18 hours out of the 24 hour duration of
the contest.

*Is this a mistake from SAC CC to place R3CM as winner of the SAC 2010 SOMB
HP Category Europe - or is this result of your log-checking that has
verified that R3CM was indeed running unassisted?*

2. I also see that RT3T ended up on 2nd Place in SAC CW, SOMB HP, Europe.
His score beat the previous record in SAC CW with 40%. He also increased his
own record from the year 2009 with exactly 82%!   Like R3CM, he only
participated 18 hours out of the 24 hour duration of the contest.

*Is this a mistake from SAC CC to place RT3T on the second place of the SAC
2010 SOMB HP Category Europe - or is this result of your log-checking that
has proved that RT3T was indeed running unassisted?*

3. What software or method is used to analyze cheating with cluster, skimmer
and RBN?  Own-developed or K1TTT/KS4Q program?

4. Could you please send me my UBN-files for R3/SM6LRR in the CW-section and
RM5A in the SSB-section of SAC 2010?  I would like to learn from my mistakes
for own personal ambitions of improvement.

5. Does SAC CC have a plan to publish participants logs on sactest.net ?
This would be a great interest to all participants.  CQ WPX and other
contests offer this service since several years. This is much appreciated by
the serious contesters.

6. If the answer on question 5 in NO, may I ask to get a copy of the
following logs:  R3CM, RT3T, RZ3AXX, DR6X, R3/SM6LRR of SAC 2010 CW?

*7.  I wish you move my SAC CW 2010 score to checklog status, with the
motivation that noone shall have the thought that my investigation above is
related to own personal interests to get a better position.
8. Are all SAC HF Contest Managers responsible for  the Final Results - or
is that the sole responsibility of the HF Contest Manager of the
organization in charge of the year?

Thank you for your attention to my questions and I also expect an official
reply to my letter from the SAC CC.

73 de R3/SM6LRR, Mats

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