[TOEC] RDA Mobile Activity Contest - 9 May
Mats Strandberg
sm6lrr at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 11:01:40 EDT 2013
En ny aktivitetsdag / contest för mobila RDA operationer går av stapeln den
9 maj mellan 0400-1600 UTC.
Ryska mobilstationen kan endast kontaktas och det verkar som om det blir
mycket aktivitet.
Jag kommer själv aktivera cirka 8 olika RDA i Moskva Oblast (MO) och Kaluga
Oblast (KG)
Regler enligt nedanstående engelska översättning (visst förbehåll för
eventulla felöversätta detaljer, men det mesta bör vara ok).
Man behöver som utländsk station inte skicka in logg, utan resultat baseras
på mobilstationernas insända loggar.
Man kan kontakta varje mobil station på tre olika trafiksätt (SSB, CW och
DIGI modes). Alla stationer kan kontaktas dessutom på alla band (80, 40,
20, 15 och 10 meter). Alltså teoretiskt 15 kontakter per station och RDA.
Då mobilstationen förflyttat sig till nytt RDA kan man alltså köra dem på
nytt på alla band och trafiksätt.
Plaketter till de tre bästa stationerna i icke-Ryssland.
Lycka till!
*Activity DAY "RDA MOBILE" 2013
Organizer: TAG - Tambov Award Group.
Organizers of the Activity Day "RDA Mobile" invite all radio amateurs from
the Russian Federation and foreign countries to participate in the
activity day.
QSOs may be carried out only with Russian mobile stations with call signs
ending with / M, / MM, and / AM (provided that the aircraft is a balloon,
light or ultra-light aircraft). QSOs between mobile participants are also
May 9, 2013 from 04:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC (12 hours).
3. Frequencies, MHz:
3,5, 7, 14, 21, 28. (Excluding WARC bands).
4. Modes:
5. Participating categories:
1. MOBILE (any Russian station using / M, / MM, / AM)
2. FIXED (any fixed Russian station, including portable stations / P)
3. WORLD (any foreign station)
6.1. Repeated radio contacts are permitted by changing the mobile station’s
RDA district, on different bands, and on the same band - different modes
(CW, SSB or DIGI modes).
6.2. General rule – it is not allowed to make SSB QSO on CW frequencies. It
is also not allowed to make CW QSO on SSB frequencies. Stations that
violate this rule will be disqualified.
6.3. Participants are strongly advised not to remove DUPEs. In most cases,
DUPE of the same
station means that for the first time reports or calls were incorrectly
7. Exchange:
7.1. Foreign stations transmit: RS (T) + QSO number,
starting with 001. One serial number sequence for all bands
7.2. Russian amateurs (both for categories 1 and 2):
(T) + RDA number (for example TB02)
8.1. For categories 2 and 3 (foreign and local Russian fixed call signs):
- QSO with a mobile station from any unique area RDA - 1 point;
8.2. Mobile stations:
- Points will be awarded, with main criterion the number of
activated areas RDA (provided that in each area was
conducted at least five QSO)
9.1. Refereeing Day Activity "RDA MOBILE" is fully computerized. Paper logs
are not accepted.
9.2. The panel of judges urges participants,
using a computer to operate in competition or to create a
report after the event, send reports only in the form of files.
Jury decision is final.
10.1. Log reports of mobile stations are encouraged to be created in format
"ADIF", which is formed by all known logs programs for the competition. The
name of the file should contain
call sign (for example, rk3rwa.adi). It is allowed to provide
separate ADIF files for each active region.
10.2. For categories 2 and 3 (foreign and local fixed
call signs) submitting logs are not necessary. The results will be created
using the logs of the submitted mobile stations
11. LOG report:
11.1. Logs should be sent to : rx3rc at rdaward.org
11.2. Receiving reports of mobile participants by e-mail will be
confirmed within 24 hours.
11.3. Period of submitting the log report: not later than 5 days after the
Activity of the day (up to 15 May 2013 inclusive).
11.4. Final results will be published May 16, 2013.
12.1. Participants who ended up in first 3 positions for subgroups 2 and 3
(both foreign and
Russian fixed call signs), are awarded with sponsored plaques
12.2. All mobile participants of Activity Day "RDA Mobile"
will be awarded plaques provided activation of at least 2
RDA areas and with not less than 5 QSO activated in each
RDA district. Special plaques will be awarded to the mobile station
with the highest number of activated RDA districts during the
activity day.
Organizers consider any proposals for sponsorship in
the production of individual plaques (donors). For all questions should
contact the organizers by e-mail:
mailto: rx3rc at rdaward.org
13. Contacts in RDA Mobile Activity Day are valid for RDA Award without QSL
card verification provided that contacts are uploaded by mobile stations to:
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