Normally during this contest I stay far away from 160, except for perhaps
one quick scan to work any friends and others I hear. I'm no sacrosanct CW
op, although I enjoy CW more, I like the SSB tests as well and even enjoy
80SSB a lot. Not so sure about 160SSB, although perhaps the bandplan will
change my mind.
I worked 2 new ones on 160CW this weekend so far. New ones are few and far
between, even though my topband total is not so high. I'm not loud on 160
This NEVER COULD HAVE HAPPENED the last few years - with 1800 on up filled
with loud stateside CQers - no way. The bandplan is working - not perfectly
- but its working. And I apologize, I called stations below 1843 for about 3
minutes on SSB without thinking last night.
Except for new ones on CW (as I mentioned, rare occurances certainly this
season), I'm avoiding 160 - I'll let the SSB go on without any QRM from me.
Ted KR1G
PS: I reserve the right to hand out a few points later tonite - although
I'll probably sleepm instead :)