If you copied SPARTA... you WIN!
Bill, N4ZV, in North Carolina was the only station to copy SPARTA and he
sent a recording to prove it! I must say, it's damn difficult to hear and
I know what I'm listening for--Bill has the ultimate signal processor
between his ears. At 548.7 miles distant and with 170.6 uW, Bill has pushed
the bar up to 3,216,295 miles per watt using the Orion/Beverage combo.
Congratulations Bill!
Conditions were absolutely retched. Big static crashes here in the
northeast and not a lot better on the rest of the east from what I'm
hearing. Fortunately, the beacon netted 5 reports. One got the code word
and the others had bits here and there but no joy. Thanks to KC9GRV, Harry
in Champaign, IL who could tell the speed was higher than it should be (18
WPM)--I slowed it back down to 13 WPM. Correct reports/watt has dropped to
5862, down from 36,000 the night before.
Stations reporting bits and pieces were: KC9GRV, N1BUG, AA4XX and
W8UVZ--Thanks guys! So, at 170 uW, the ring of fire extends from the tip
of Maine to North Carolina.
This will be the last N2XE Beacon Tribune until Thursday Evening. I will
be running a special test between now and then with special rules. A
posting will follow shortly. Friday I will run another calibration test at
10 mW so Texas, Missouri, Illinois and Iowa get a shot at it. 40 meter
tests will start next week interspersed with 80 meter tests.
Thanks for listening and 73!
John Ceccherelli
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