I want to build a small 4 square but pretty effective receiving antenna. I read
somewhere where 4 10 foot pieces of EMT could be used, how could I phase them
without of a lot of trouble? I want to use this antenna to get general
directions where stations are located. I feel this antenna would be an asset
when monitoring "intruder stations."
I have recently become the Region 2 Monitoring System Coordinator, using
something like this would help determine a general direction where the
intruders are coming from. I also see the articles in ON4UN's handbook
describing a simple 2 element end fire rotary antenna. If anyone had every
constructed this 2 element rotary array, can the boom be shortened a little
without causing big problems. Mainly would use it from about 3.5 Mhz and up.
I would appreciate any reports of intruders into the 160 meter band including
"fish net" beacons. Email me with any information, it would be greatly
appreciated and in the long run may help ham radio in general.
Bill Zellers
R-2 MS Coordinator
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