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Topband: Radial length responses

Subject: Topband: Radial length responses
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:49:05 +0000
List-post: <>
Several have asked for a summary of the responses to my earlier posting asking 
whether adjusting radial length was a way of trimming an inverted L for 
resonance on 160. Many  opinions but probably the most useful was from K1FZ 
(who if he reads this may want to add something).
He said that the radial length is not the right way to go but rather shortening 
(or lengthening) the radiator is correct and that the best way to do it is to 
add a variable capacitator between the center conductor of the coax and the 
radiator or just cutting and measuring until a low SWR is achieved. He says by 
trimming the radials you can get some desired results but by so doing you may 
effect take off angle adversely.
Additional comments or corrections posted on Topband are welcome and thanks all 
for theiresponses and interest on the subject, Pete W2LL.
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