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Topband: FW: End of season - BS7H

To: "Topband Digest" <>
Subject: Topband: FW: End of season - BS7H
From: "Jarda OK1RD" <>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 20:52:48 +0200
List-post: <>
> ______________________________________________ 
> From:         Jarda OK1RD [] 
> Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:29 PM
> To:   Topband Digest (
> Subject:      End of season - BS7H
> Dear fellow TopBanders,
> let me look back to just realized Dxpedition BS7H on Scarborough Reef. All
> the guys are safely home, I do hope and the Internet LOG has been put on
> the BS7H pages very fast. I would like to express them my thanks for
> realization this soft of the Expedition and underline success of the team
> operation in so heavy local conditions. I understand they had to run QSOs
> with Jas and Eus mostly due to DX conditions and know that for U.S. east
> coast BS7H destination is almost unattainable. Nevertheless made 45 000
> QSOs from this location is excellent result.
> As far as low bands operation is concerned we all were waiting for better
> weather conditions a low wind mainly what would allow them let out balloon
> antenna for 80 and 160 mtrs. This situation came on the last expedition
> operation night. And again thanks to Martti OH2BH who sat on operation
> position whole last night and tuned antenna on 80m first, made us a few
> hundreds of HAMs lucky to work him on this band.
> Suddenly he announced to QSY on 160m before BS7H sunrise. It was again
> verification of Martti`s deep experience with Dxpedtions operations.
> Thanks Martti!!! 
> As he said he appeared on the Top Band consequently with very good signal
> but let me make the extension further. My personal adventure was that I
> did not hear him on 400m long Beverage at BS7H direction ( 70deg. from
> here ) but quite well readable was his signal from my full sized dipoles
> transmitting 4SQR And because I am building RXing 8Circle for 160m now (
> not finished all yet ) but firm fixed and phased to his direction I heard
> him on my new 8 Circle very clear all the time. Another experience I had
> with TXing because I called him from my home QTH on vertical antenna and
> good power from Henry PA  and he passed my signal in the pile up several
> times but when called from remote QTH on dipoles 4SQR and 1,5 kW out he
> answered immediately on my both calls OK1RD and OK7XX later on . This is
> again confirmation of general truth that good antenna ( beam ) is many
> times better then big power.
> Thanks for DXCC # 302 current valid ( #305 in all ) on the 160m
> In fine let me thank to BS7H team for their excellent job they made during
> this expedition operation.
> Thanks guys
> 73 to all Jarda, OK1RD&OK7XX
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