To All,
After reading the information about the KD9SV Two Direction Beverage Antenna
System. ( I was curious about
the following statement:
Another benefit of using twisted pair wire or WD-1A is the lower Velocity
Factor (VF) of the wire: a physically short antenna “looks” electrically much
longer. Using a VF of 58% for example, a 311 foot long twisted pair antenna is
electrically the same length as a 537 foot single wire (one wavelength) antenna
on 160 meters.
So if I were to use the .58 velocity factor on a 440' single wire 80M beverage,
I should expect to get the same performance from a 255' twisted pair beverage.
Am I understanding this correctly? Or is there some downside that I'm not
accounting for?
73 and Happy Thanksgiving
de ww
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