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Re: Topband: (no subject)

To: Mark Beckwith <>
Subject: Re: Topband: (no subject)
From: Merv Schweigert <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:43:54 -1000
List-post: <">>
Mark Beckwith wrote:
>> Earlier, i  pointed out that galactic cosmic ray flux  (GCR) is a good DX 
>> variable, with DX conditions improving when GCR  decreases.
> Hmm.  Do I need my tin foil hat to try this?
> Mark, N5OT
Not being a propagation expert and not wanting to throw cold water on 
the whole
theory,  but I would like to say that its a theory at best and not 
proven by analyzing
enough data,   in fact some of the data presented was contrary to the 
and more or less rejected.   And if honesty would be presented I am not 
sure that
both authors actually agree totally on the theory either. 
At least from the Pacific it does not prove correct enough of the time 
to make any
forecast with accuracy.  Many other factors are involved like 
terrestrial weather
and high and low pressure systems causing ducting effects.
Merv KH7C

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