My new 160m sloping "T" transmit antenna seems to be working well, and
now I need to attack the local RX noise problem (again). A small
shielded loop and K9AY help somewhat, but reception is still overwhelmed
by noise at my QTH. I have tried both the MFJ-1025 and MFJ-1026 noise
cancellers with an external noise pickup antenna but I have not been
able to achieve a null, even with equal S-meter readings from the main
and noise antennas. I am aware that Timewave sells their model ANC-4
with similar specifications (but no hard keying capability). Are there
any other noise cancellation options to consider? Due to recent
construction in the previously-empty field near my shack, Beverages are
no longer possible here. Are some of you using the ANC-4 with success?
73, Walt, AJ6T
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