On Thursday, May 19th, from 12:45 UTC-15:00 UTC, (8:45 a.m.-11:00 a.m. local
time I believe) I could use the help of a Russian speaking translator volunteer
at the YCTU location in Dayton. Katia, age 9, RZ9UMA and her sister, Irina,
age 16, RK9UAC, will be monitoring their pre-arranged Ppt presentation on HST
via Skype. If you can help, please email me at n0ah@arrl.net . They speak
some English, but it is mostly geared towards contesting and having someone
there to help with conversation would be great!
Bryon "Paul" Veal MAED
FCC Amateur Radio License-N0AH
Certified ARRL Volunteer Wireless Technology Instructor
Acres Green Elementary School Amateur Radio Club Trustee - KD0NIV
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