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Re: Topband: G3FPQ SK

Subject: Re: Topband: G3FPQ SK
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 20:10:25 -0500 (EST)
List-post: <">>
In a message dated 2/11/2013 11:04:05 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Re:  Topband: G3FPQ SK

Surely  sorry to hear that. I like to test the sunSET opening here in the 
south tip of  Texas. For a three year period I could count on David being on 
1829 to  exchange reports and verify conditions most days of the week. I've 
missed  hearing him for some time now. 
I've  always felt that we mourn for what WE have lost rather than celebrate 
a life  that gave us so much.
At my  age, this happens with more frequency every day. Some of you may 
have known my  old pal since grade school, Allan, W9YYG. I called him Moose. He 
passed away  around Christmas time. We were best friends for 58 years. 
He was a  kind soul and an avid operator. He read the TopBand reflector  
with irregularity. He would complain to me that "They spend all  their time 
arguing about such things as the size of wire to use for radials  and how high 
you have to go to get field strength readings. Why don't they  just get on 
and work 'em?" That was Moose. He made me look at the other side  of things. 
I miss him, too. 
Farewell David, farewell Moose. I hope there's  no line noise at your new 
Barry, W9UCW

Topband Reflector

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