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Re: Topband: Steady Carrier on 80 CW

To: "Rick" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Steady Carrier on 80 CW
From: "Tom W8JI" <>
Reply-to: Tom W8JI <>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:32:39 -0500
List-post: <">>
What a stupid frequency for a test beacon of any type!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 4:57 PM
Subject: Topband: Steady Carrier on 80 CW

Good evening all,

Hate to burst the theories, but it appears the "carrier" on 3501.6 MHz is a QRSS beacon operated by W4HBK.
I used Spectrum Lab and selected the 1-second dit in the "Quick 
Settings" tab, Slow Morse Reception (QRSS) menu selection. The carrier 
drops about 6 Hz from the "space" to the "mark" and decode with the eye. 
Inter-character spacing is a dit, intra character spacing is a dah .... 
both are on the "space", or higher tone. Idle period is also the "space" 
I dropped W4HBK an e-mail to get further information on this beacon ... 
he is also operating a QRSS beacon on 30 meters. His reply was:
"Hi, Rick.  Tnx for the report.  I am using  an eight second dot period 
and transmitting on a frequency of 3500.8 with a frequency shift of 5 
Hz.  You can see details of my mept at my blog:
It is built around the DDS VFO kit sold by N3ZI and amplifier kit from 
W8DIZ.  Power is 1 W to a 43 foot vertical."
73 bill w4hbk

Oh, his QTH is Gulf Breeze FL, near Pensacola.

"And now, back to our regularly scheduled program."

Topband Reflector

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