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Re: Topband: Length of Beverages

To: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Length of Beverages
From: Yuri Blanarovich <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 08:43:39 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <">>
It makes difference on "regular" ground.
Once I put up "killer" 1200 ft Beverages on a location on the top of the hill, with slightly sloping ground around. First night in the contest Inv Vee was beating them. Sloping terrain and long wires were likely producing low angles, way too low for propagation. For the next night I cut the wires to half, 600 ft and they came to live, what a difference!
Also at W8LRL QTH long phased JA Beverages compared to "regular" one 
were hearing JAs while shorter one was "dead". At VE1ZZ lone single wire 
Beverage, going down the hill and terminated in the SS hub cap in the 
salt water was beating phased one on ground.
Depends on propagation, angles, more flexibility we have, more adaptable 
we are to peculiarities of conditions. 
On good, salty grounds verticals are kings and using arrays allows to 
shape the pattern to maximize the signals and suppress noise and 

 On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 11:13 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
On 7/26/2014 2:32 PM, Mike Waters wrote:

On my bucket list is a system for remotely changing the lengths of my two
2-wire Beverages between 580 and ~800 feet long.

I actually tried this and discovered that any wire beyond
400 feet made no difference whatsoever.  This is because
I am on high conductivity ground.  YMMV.

Rick N6RK
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