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Re: Topband: Salt-Water Qth!

To: "HVT" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Salt-Water Qth!
From: "Richard Fry" <>
Reply-to: Richard Fry <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 08:42:32 -0500
List-post: <">>
Below is a link to the groundwave field of a 1 kW non-directional AM broadcast station located about 1 mile from the Atlantic, in Florida.
The groundwave field shown is based on the FCC M3 conductivity map, and 
their GW propagation charts for this frequency and power.
The space wave fields radiated by vertical monopoles are related to their 
groundwave fields, so space wave fields radiated over (mostly) salt-water 
paths are much greater in magnitude than over terra firma (other things 
Maybe this will give a rough idea of what to expect from a sea-coast QTH in 
R. Fry

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