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Re: Topband: Video Switch for Low Band Antenna switching

To: Top Band Reflector <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Video Switch for Low Band Antenna switching
From: Roger D Johnson <>
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 22:17:58 +0000
List-post: <">>
It appears that the better video switches need a signal from the vertical blanking interval to switch. No
signal, no switching. Probably explains why they are so cheap on eBay!

I have 3 bi-directional Beverages, an 8 circle and 4 square receiving antennas. I would like to switch any one to my K3 main rx, K3 aux rx, R-388 or DX Engineering NCC-1 phasing box. That's 8 inputs
and 4 outputs minimum.

Ideally, some sort of matrix arrangement would do. I've looked far and wide for a commercial unit that would do the job but no luck. Virtually everything is designed for SO2R operation. At present, I'm using a switcher used in RV units. It has 5 inputs and 3 outputs. I use a separate switch for Beverage selection.
Thanks for all the inputs!

73, Roger

On 7/4/2015 21:47, Roger D Johnson wrote:
I've been looking for a way to switch multiple receiving antennas to multiple receivers. I know some hams are using video switchers but info on them is scarce. There is a Dynair SVA-100B for sale on eBay but no real description
of it's functions.

It seems obvious that you can, for instance, switch input 3 to output 7 but can you simultaneously switch input 5 to output 6? In other words, can you have more than one path through the switcher?
Any other ideas on switching greatly appreciated!

73, Roger

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