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Re: Topband: CATV RG6 with messinger wire for support

Subject: Re: Topband: CATV RG6 with messinger wire for support
From: Brian Pease <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 22:19:05 -0500
List-post: <>
I have a 1000 ft bi-directional beverage that is built with RG-6 with steel messenger wire.  The wire seems to have no electrical effect but makes the beverage really strong.  A transformer at the far end puts the reverse-direction signal between the center conductor and shield.  2 feedlines are used, each with a transformer.  I just copied a design that is out there.
On 1/9/2018 10:06 PM, terry burge wrote:
Hello Guys,

I have been give a bunch of CATV RG-6 coax like the cable company uses. I would 
like to know if the coax with a solid support (messenger) wire will work 
alright for building beverages? It almost looks like it could be use for 
building a bi-directional beverage utilizing the coax shield for one direction 
and the insulated support wire for the opposite direction. Anyone have some 
experience with this? I have also thought of trying in as a BOG beverage.



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