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Re: Topband: CQ WW 160 CW - SK.. ?

Subject: Re: Topband: CQ WW 160 CW - SK.. ?
From: W7RH <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 23:53:34 +0000
List-post: <>
To be honest I don't think there is a code of ethics anymore at least not in award chasing in Ham radio.
To give example I recently heard a very prominent operator and Dx'er on 
FT8. In three calls from western US this super station gave a middle 
eastern station a plus 6 and plus 8 dB S/N report that was at very best 
-12 DB at my location. Now in order to do that he would have had to beam 
right through me as propagation was to N/NE. His signal was very modest 
at my location lending me to think RHR.
In case anyone hasn't noticed lying and cheating is epidemic here and 
throughout the world at every level. Nothing will change much because 
nobody has the balls to deal with it. So with that in most cases the 
awards have become a participation award. Good job Billy.
I'm over it. In the end there isn't anybody who will care anyway. If 
that is you gig carry on.

Bob, W7RH

W7RH DM35os

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our 
humanity." - Albert Einstein

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