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Re: Topband: Slightly OT - amplifier noise

To: Dave Cuthbert <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Slightly OT - amplifier noise
From: Michael Tope <>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 08:13:37 -0700
List-post: <>
You were spot on, Dave. Thanks for the suggestion. I rechecked the numbers this morning and the AUX (i.e. sense antenna path) gain varies about 2dB as a function of where the phase control is set. It appears I had the phase control sitting in the worst-case minimum gain position (apparently quite by accident) which seems to occur around "8" or "9". The maximum gain occurs with the control fully clockwise at "10", so there is a lot of variation between "7" and "10".  Between a phase control setting of "0" and "7" the change in the sense path gain is much smaller. When you flip the phase polarity, there is a small amount of gain change. The maximum gain numbers are pretty close to the main antenna path numbers.
10 Meters: 2.8dB (0.5dB min)
15 Meters: 4.6dB (2.6dB min) [note: the 1.6dB number previously reported may be an error]
Please take the decimal point with a grain of salt. These are not lab 
grade measurements [think quick and dirty order-of-magnitude measurement 
done with a fair amount of haste]. The cables and adapters I used should 
probably be thrown away and replaced with better quality parts and it's 
possible Nixon was still president the last time the 141T was calibrated 
to NIST standards :-)
73, Mike W4EF.........

On 3/17/2020 9:56 AM, Dave Cuthbert wrote:
Mike, thank and these are great data points you've provided.

Was the MFJ-1026 PHASE control set near zero? That could account for the low AUX gain.
*Mike's data*

Main Antenna Path Gain:
10 Meters: 4dB
15 Meters: 3dB

Sense Antenna Path Gain (sense-path pre-amp on and internal jumpers set
for maximum gain):
10 Meters: 0.5dB
15 Meters: 1.6dB

12 to 14 dB increase in the noise floor on 10 meters when the MFJ unit was turned on
*MFJ-1026 MAIN measured noise and calculations*
Sherwood Engineering measured the FT-1000 MP MKV Field at -133 dBm in 500 Hz BW. This is -160 dBm in 1 Hz, or 2.2 nV/Hz^0.5.
The 12 to 14 dB increase in the noise floor with the MFJ-1026 
activated tells us its output noise power is ~13 dB above -133 dBm, or 
-120 dBm in 500 Hz BW. This is -147 dBm, or *10 nV/H^0.5.* Given the 
measured AUX path gain of 0.5 dB this tells us the MFJ-1026 AUX 
input-referred noise is *~9 nV/Hz* on 10 meters. But wait, there's more.
In my March 16 email I said "The MFJ-1025 [calculated] output noise 
is*9 nV/Hz^0.5."* But, given the MFJ-1026 measured AUX gain of 0.5 dB 
(10 meters) when I estimated 14 dB AUX gain (20 meters) is a huge 
discrepancy. This points to the phase shifter circuit attenuating the 
signal. Might the PHASE control knob be set to 0? This attenuates the 
AUX path.
The MFJ-1025 and MJF-1026 use the same circuit with the 1026 adding a whip antenna amplifier.
    Dave KH6AQ

On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 4:07 AM Michael Tope < <>> wrote:
    I just happen to have a spare MFJ-1026 at home. I did a real quick
    using my FT1000MP MK-V while powering the MFJ-1026 from an Astron
    supply. Similar to your results, Steve, I got about a 12 to 14 dB
    increase in the noise floor on 10 meters when the MFJ unit was
    turned on
    and connected to the MK-V's main antenna input versus when the MFJ
    was powered off. This suggests you would have to resort to having
    low-noise pre-amps ahead of each of the MFJ-102x two signal paths and
    the right amount of attenuation after the MFJ-102x's combined
    output to
    work in your particular very low noise situation.

    Since the main antenna path is normally bypassed for transmit, to
    put a
    pre-amp ahead of the main antenna path you would have to either move
    that MFJ-102x out of the transmit path by putting it in a
    breakout-loop that is common on many modern transceivers (e.g.
    RX_OUT and RX_IN jacks), or you would have to have add a dedicated
    bypass scheme for the external main path pre-amp.

    FWIW, I also made some gain measurement on my MFJ-1026 (both main and
    sense path gain controls fully clockwise):

    Main Antenna Path Gain:
    10 Meters: 4dB
    15 Meters: 3dB

    Sense Antenna Path Gain (sense-path pre-amp on and internal
    jumpers set
    for maximum gain):
    10 Meters: 0.5dB
    15 Meters: 1.6dB

    Difference between having Sense Path Pre-Amp On vs Off:
    10 Meters: 8dB
    15 Meters: 9dB

    I used an Elecraft XG3 as the signal source and an HP141T to measure

    73, Mike W4EF...................

    On 3/16/2020 9:47 AM, Steve London wrote:
    > This has been a very interesting thread - Thanks for all the input.
    > Perhaps I have set my expectations too high.
    > A typical application is on 15 meters, late in the opening, working
    > JA's from here in SW New Mexico. Absent any local QRN, the band is
    > very quiet. Any local noise covers the bottom layer of 5 watt JA's
    > calling me.
    > I did some more testing with the MFJ-1025. With no antennas
    > the box raises the noise floor about 10 dB, irrespective of the Aux
    > Antenna Gain or the Main Antenna Gain. I haven't yet tried powering
    > from a battery, to make sure the power supply isn't the source.
    > Assuming the J310's are quiet, that leaves the 2N5109 emitter
    > follower, or the back-to-back protection diodes. Might also try
    > disconnecting the RF sense circuit.
    > 73,
    > Steve, N2IC
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