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Re: Topband: 2 wire reversible Beverage- KF4ITA Mikek

Subject: Re: Topband: 2 wire reversible Beverage- KF4ITA Mikek
From: Fred Moeves <>
Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 18:49:36 -0400
List-post: <>
Thanks to everyone with some very good advice and good ideas
I am now looking for a good place to buy the WD1-TT.
I would like to get some even if I don't use it for this Beverage.
I found one place looked pretty good I will call them Monday.

I am installing the antenna in a much wooded area so I’m thinking that the military wire might be better.

Also I have wound (2) 6.25:1 transformers and (1) 1:1 reflection transformer using the info from Mike’s (W0BTU) site. I assume these transformers will work with any of the 2 wire Beverages that's been discussed here in previous posts.

Ken you are correct I am probably over thinking this thing.
The first 1 wire Beverage I built I was very surprised how well it worked.
I now have two Beverages up and both work great here 40m to 160m sometime even on 20m.

It opened up a whole new world for me.

Thanks again everyone 73


On 5/9/2020 2:44 PM, MU 4CX250B wrote:
I use two lengths of WD1/TT (twisted pair), with the strands in each
length twisted together. The two lengths are parallel, separated by
about 4.5 inches, and threaded loosely through a hole in a ceramic
insulator screwed into opposing faces of wood 4x4s. The 4x4s stick out
of the ground seven feet and are spaced 60ft apart. The ceramic
insulators cost about $1/ea at a farm supply company. I think I paid
about $50 for unused half mile spools of the WD1/TT.

The WD1/TT parallel lengths are about 720 ft long, with a pulley at
the far end to equalize the tension. I realize this is not a practical
possibility for many top/banders (I have a desert QTH) but I mention
it to tout the virtues of WD1/TT and its variants. It is cheap,
extremely durable, and much stronger and reliable than ladder line,
RG6, or single conductor household wire. In my opinion it is perfect
beverage wire.
Jim w8zr

Sent from my iPhone

On May 9, 2020, at 11:15 AM, Mikek <> wrote:

 That brings up the question, can you use a tightly coupled pair for a 
reversible Beverage?
And would WD-1 wire work?
                            Mikek  KF4ITA

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