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Re: Topband: Anyone with experience using CAT6 as feed line.

Subject: Re: Topband: Anyone with experience using CAT6 as feed line.
From: Lou via Topband <>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 11:47:51 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
You might try google for LZ1AQ who has written on this subject.

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 On Monday, May 18, 2020, <> wrote:

Hi Mike, 

I wanted to try and raised similar question in 2011:

It was some theoretical discussion but no practical experience, so I
decided to try myself. It was temporary installation for 1 weekend, so
use regular indoor CAT-6 cable, two reversible Beverages made from same
cable and one such cable (200 m) used as feeder. All pairs used at
"feeder" - 2 pairs for one Beverage front and back, other 2 pairs - for
other. Load resistors - at direction switch at radio. All cables were
laying on grass- sort of 20-30 cm up from the soil. Worked very good to
my understanding in middle of summer QRN conditions.  

Short story is here:

In your case - BOG has much lower output even to my Bev on grass - so it
much more sensitive to noise pickup. Together with not always
predictable BOG behavior - see all BOG related posts in this mailing

73 GL 

Arunas, LY2IJ 

2020-05-17 23:19, Mikek rašė:

> Did a first test on a BOG, I noted it didn't have a f/b ratio.
> Then I noted I connected the wrong pair to the radio.
> That means the twisted pair is picking up signal.
> I terminated it hoping that would quiet it, It didn't.
> I corrected the wiring error, But the feed line pickup
> makes the BOG useless.
> On a previous BOG I used #18 twisted speaker wire and it
> picked up very little RF when connected the the radio.
> Do I need to do anything with the unused pairs,
> that would help?
> Any thoughts on how to prevent RF pickup by the feed line?
> Mikek KF4ITA
> _________________
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