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Re: Topband: K9AY Loop Questions

Subject: Re: Topband: K9AY Loop Questions
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2022 21:46:18 -0800
List-post: <>
On 1/5/2022 6:23 PM, wrote:
I tried an AY loop decades ago, without the Array Solutions adjustable
termination controller, and I do not remember it being that useful for RX.
The antenna is ground dependant so perhaps it works better for some than
others. Even a short Beverage may be a better choice. From my P40A station I
used a Pennant with decent results. It was inexpensive to build and not
ground dependant however it only covered one direction. The Array Solutions
Shared Apex Loop Array has great reviews and may be worth considering, Pete.

Again, when thinking about any of these RX antennas it's worth studying slides and recordings of W3LPL's several Dayton talks on the topic. One of its most useful info is how each type is or is not sensitive to surrounding objects/vegetation and other locally significant conditions like soil conductivity. Each type has its strengths and its Achilles heels.

73, Jim K9YC
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