Doug NX4D asked me to add his comments,
Hey JC and Topbanders, This is meant as a suggestion, not a criticism.
The reason I sounded an alarm to JC was the concern that the proposed SALAD/
LZ1AQ 160m receive loops by the upcoming Bouvet DXpedition/ 3Y0J are much too
small for receiving weak signals on 160m. With the current poor 160m condx, it
would be a shame for them to go to all this trouble and expense, then not be
able to pull in medium to weaker sigs with the loops. I would suggest the
loop(s) be at least 10 ft (3m) diameter.
>From experience I found that my original WF with small phased loops could not
>hear the weakest sigs others around me were hearing, due to being thermal
>noise limited. The solution was to make the loops much larger, by which I
>could then hear all sigs very well.
73/ NX4D
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