Can a description of that antenna be had ?
Google was not my friend and I don´t have QST.
/ Jim SM2EKM
Den 2022-12-30 kl. 04:53, skrev Frank W3LPL:
Hi Rick,
I recently built a WB8DSB man portable flag antenna (March 2021 QST)
for RFI geolocation, its performance far exceeds my expectations.
Its narrow deep null quickly, easily and definitively located the
source of very troublesome 160 meter RFI to a single power pole
more than three miles from my QTH. Prior to constructing the
flag antenna I could locate the RFI to only within a few hundred
yards of the RFI source.
I built my flag antenna entirely out of materials I had on hand
from previous projects including 3/8 inch diameter fiberglass rods,
a pair of Advanced Receiver Research P1-30/20VD 20 dB HF preamps,
a case of eight AA batteries to provide power to the preamps,
a switchable attenuator and a Tecsun PL330 portable HF receiver.
I highly recommend this easily constructed RFI geolocation antenna
for the toolkit of any serious HF operator.
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