----- Original Message -----
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] Hex Beam
> How would Figure the size of the Poles To use To Make A Hex Beam 2 El 75
> 80 m would work good and 40m 30m that way all bands could be covered
> easily
> I have 160 already in the works.
Well ... If you look at each half of each element as an equilateral
triangle, with the poles running parallel to two sides of this triangle,
then for example, on 40m...
234/7.1mHz = 33ft = 1/4 w/l on 7mHz
so, two sides of your triangle are 33/2 = 16 1/2ft each
So, your poles should be 16 1/2ft each, PLUS enough to get a
nice bend on the pole to tension the elements... I would guess poles about
18 or 19ft long should be OK for 40m..
John EI7BA
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