Guys & Gals, I have acquired tooo much equipment in all categories and
it is time to get rid of it locally before it goes on E you know where.
This will be located in the Parking lot in front of my units at 21315
Saticoy St. Units J, K, L, N, O, P, Q, and R my office. We will START
selling at 8:00 AM June 9th. All early birds that insist on buying prior
to 8:00 AM will pay 20% above the asking price. On most of the equipment
there will be very little haggle room. This is not a SWAP meet. What
does not sell goes you know where.
There will be Collins, Hallicrafters, Hammarlund, Lafeyette, WW II Jeep
radios, BC-659, BC-620, Tank radios, Complete WS-19 MK III with remote
and lot of accessories as a package, National, TCS, R39XX, R-39XX parts,
Yaesu, Kenwood, TEK, HP, GR, scopes, sig gens, bridges, XFMRS, Var.
Caps, logic, IC's, resistors, connectors, grab bags, misc. test
equipment, power supplies, meters, books, manuals, antennas, misc.
hardware. Also have a 690 pound Russian R-155U receiver for sale at
$750.00 firm in 7 modules and a cabinet on casters. will not be at sale
but will furnish pictures of unit and viewing for serious buyers but no
lookie loos.
This is not a sale for dealers or resellers and for sure parasite
hoarders that only pay .00005 on the dollar.
All sales AS-IS and CASH USD.
Most of this equipment is clean and operating and I have manuals for
most of the units.
A minor list: Several S-38's of all models, SX-28, HQ-129X, Super Pros.
SP-600, HFS, HQ-150, S-20R, S-22, S-24, S-36 with panadaptor, HXL-1,
HX-50A?, HX-500, Henry 2K4A, CE 200V needs a lot of TLC, CE 10, CE 20,
Home brew with PL-152, HQ-180, HQ-170, NC-300, NC-300 needs dial
restrung 5 hands required Hi, NC-57, Some SCR-274N stuff, Sunair GSL
system with 2 exciters, 2 receivers, AMP, Ps, antenna tuner, Mil cables.
relay control, mike and original manuals BO over $4,000.00, at my QTH
again no lookie loos, A Henry 8K ULTRA complete BO over $7,000.00, CPN-8
Radar beacon with antenna mast and like NIB BO over $300.00, HRO-60,
S-41 operating, # S-41 basket cases, 3 S-120's 1 grain, 2 chrome, Viking
I, Viking II, Valiant, Apache, 2 Mohawks, 4 Marauders 1 is parts unit. 7
pieces $700.00 OBRO, DB22A, Johnson KW matchbox $325.00 firm with
manual, Dentron Super tuner, Scott RCH $200.00 firm, Scott SLRM $200
needs caps clean, 75A-1 $400.00 firm works, EC-1 $40.00, Have 2 R-390
NON A complete need cleaning and tweaking plus caps but make noise with
power plugs top and bottom covers $550.00 firm, R-390-A have 4 complete
with original meters clean knobs, covers make noise need tweaking
$500.00, HP 8640B option 1 very clean and stable $600.00 firm, tubes,
tubes Oh I meant to say tubes.
Much more.
Any email/mail orders are to be paid by USPS MO or bank wire transfers.
Packing, shipping and insurance to the buyers account. Personal checks
accepted from know previous buyers only.
I will consider valid reasonable offers on other than firm prices, not
stupid and not for resellers. This is for users, if you do not like the
terms then bug out. Sorry.
To get to the parking lot, it is in the West San Fernando Valley off of
the 101 you can exit DeSoto or Canoga and go North about 3 miles to
Saticoy. on the 118 off on DeSoto or Topanga Canyon South to Saticoy
then left or right. For the locals we are behind the Former Sandy's
Electronics which sadly has gone by the wayside.
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