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RE: [BULK] - RE: [TowerTalk] taping coax to tower parts

To: 'David Robbins K1TTT' <>, 'ed' <>,
Subject: RE: [BULK] - RE: [TowerTalk] taping coax to tower parts
From: Steve Katz <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 14:47:24 -0800
List-post: <>

> must not have been very good galvanizing.  I have used electrical tape
> for 20 years on rohn towers and the only difference when I remove it is
> that the galvanizing is shinier under the tape.
> ::Ditto here.  Only problem with taping coax to tower legs is that tower
> legs are a lot harder than coax (other than hardline) and pulling
> overlapping layers of tape can crush many types of coax, rendering them
> more prone to failure than before taping.  I use gentle wraps spread over
> 6" of cable or so, rather than pulled-tight wraps all overlapping in the
> same place.  Crushed too much coax that way over the years.....-WB2WIK/6

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