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Re: [TowerTalk] C-31XR vs. 4 el. SteppIR

To: "'Bill'" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] C-31XR vs. 4 el. SteppIR
From: "Joe Subich, K4IK" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 20:02:46 -0500
List-post: <>
> How can a 4 element multiband yagi with a compromised boom 
> length deliver gain approximating that of a well designed 5 
> element monobander? This doesn't seem to make sense to me. 
> (Regardless of who made the antennas.)

What boom length is "compromised?"  All of the yagi studies 
show a regular increase in gain with increasing with boom 
length.  As long as there are enough elements to "fill" the 
boom and the elements can be properly "tuned" the Yagi will 
produce gain.  Feed impedance (bandwidth) and F/R are much 
more critical than gain ... here the tunability of the SteppIR 
design overcomes several issues.  


   ... Joe, K4IK 


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