Maybe you don't need the switch.
If your box has a switch, maybe it's either for another rotator model or an
early version which got superceded by a switchless control box.
l. Turn the Control Unit Power "ON" with the upper right "ON-OFF" switch.
The meter should be illuminated and the needle should be to the right.
2. Depress the brake lever (center) and hold. Depress the CCW lever (left)
and operate the rotator to its full CCW position.
3. With the rotator in its full CCW position, if the meter is not at its
full left position, carefully adjust the zero (CCW South) position with the
screw directly under the meter to exactly South.
4. Meter Calibration Procedure: Operate the rotator to its full clockwise
position. Adjust the calibration potentiometer until the meter indicates
full scale to the right. The meter is now calibrated. Do not adjust the
calibration potentiometer when the rotator is in any position other than
full clockwise.
> Is there a reason why the HAM-IV Manual I downloaded from the
> MFJ site does not show the Calibrate Switch on the schematic ??
> It seems a simple enough thing to show, it has been part of
> the Control Box for eons !!
> Very discouraging ....
> 73, Dick, W1KSZ
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