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Re: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G guying

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G guying
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 01:40:09 -0500
List-post: <">>
John Lyles wrote:
> My 1960s Rohn catalog shows the upper guys usually connected to the top of 
> their towers. Current Rohn literature shows it down about 5 feet from the 
> top. One obvious advantage of this is that it give you a little more space 
> when installing a big antenna, when you are trying to swing the elements from 
> vertical to horizontal while clearing those guys. 

Both have advantages and disadvantages and there is a fair amount of 
leeway with the attach point just as there is in the guy angle and 
placement of the guy anchors.

Mounting down 5' with EHS also gives more electrical clearance.
To me when tramming an antenna up or down it makes no difference if the 
guys are at the top or down a ways.  If using Phillystran there is no 
electrical advantage for guying below the top. OTOH I'd use a guy 
bracket and not connect to the top plate.  The same goes for the other 
guys.  Use the guy brackets and don't attach the guys to the tower legs.

If using a most with antennas above the top of the tower I'd definitely 
guy as close to the top as practical using Phillystran.
> Today I got the last section up for mine using Ginpole, top is at 45 feet. I 
> installed a "Norms Fabrication" guy bracket up at 40 feet. That bracket isn't 
> a perfect fit like the OEM bracket, but I think it'll do. Got one Phillystran 
> guy up, but not tensioned, when a major storm front swept in. 30MPH gusts. A 
> few hours ago I tried to climb up and fasten #2 and 3 guy to the bracket but 
> the rockin and rollin of that 23 feet above the first guys convinced me 
> otherwise. 
Which is why I *always* use temporary guys and never work above the last 
set of guys. However with the guys at the top I do work on the top 
plate. Even in 20 MPH + winds it doesn't move a bit even with the big array.
> Expecting some snow later, and the wind is dying down now.
And my satellite dish is covered with ice and the TV is telling me 
..."Lost Signal".  I need to find one or two of those stick on heating 
patches.  I have them on the IO470 in the Debonair but I'm not willing 
to pay that much to deice a satellite dish. <:-))


Roger (K8RI)
> 73
> John 
>> Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 17:30:45 -0800
>> From: jimlux <>
>> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] tower talk
>> To: Donald Hofmann <>
>> Cc:,
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Donald Hofmann wrote:
>>   Concerning guy wire spacing, from what I have read
>>> 60-80% is ok. Mine would be right at 70%. The ARRL Antenna book
>>> recommends the guys at the top of the tower instead of 5' down as
>>> Rohn says.
>> The lxc prime directive is "do what the mfr says".. does the ARRL book 
>> give a reason why and any analysis to support it.
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