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Re: [TowerTalk] Best way of getting a line over a tree

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Best way of getting a line over a tree
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 21:05:20 -0500
List-post: <">> wrote:
> Check the internet for "potato gun" designs.
Yah beat me to it Don. <:-)) However, ye' ol' "potato gun" even when 
used with tennis balls has a bit of variance in the energy/trajectory 
and is normally used like a mortar due to the "recoil". I'm not sure I'd 
want my face next to the breach end of that thing during combustion 
either although I've never seen one blow up.  That and his wife might 
wonder what he's doing with all her hair spray.

BTW, my previous neighbor built several and I'll swear the one would 
throw a 2# potato a good city block accompanied by a deep throated 
*BOOM* with plenty of authority.

73 and a Happy New Year coming up.

Roger (K8RI)

> You can find lots of info .. just make the barrel the right diameter.
> Don
> N8DE
> Quoting Eric <>:
>> All this is great input to my question.  I am very intrigued by the
>> tennis ball shooter using compressed air or CO2.   I also understand
>> there are some commercial units that can be purchased but buying one
>> would take all the fun out of actually building one.   What is the best
>> tennis ball shooter design out there ?  I like this solution better than
>> the sling shot and bow and arrow primarily due to any liability.   If I
>> misfired or missed, I think a tennis ball would do less damage than the
>> sling shot and bow and arrow.
>> Everyone's input has been great, I am really glad that I am part of this
>> hobby and there are so many out there that are very willing to help.
>> Thank you,
>> Eric
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