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[TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
From: chas <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2009 22:04:13 -0600
List-post: <">>
Feeling sorry for those poor souls who moved out of the wrong side of 
the track neighborhoods and left their towers and antenna farms to go 
live in gated communities where they are trying to figure out how to 
put up a 20' piece of wire....  invisible wire is the question here.

what is the minimum size or guage of insulated wire which can be used 
hooked up to a kilowatt amplifier?

I live in a barrio (now, 20 yrs ago.. whole different thing) so I have 
either a king cobra or a dx-cc 12ga with grey insulation, etc.

so I have NO problem running my SB-220 flat out thru the things.

but what about 26guage wire?  actually, that Cobra is three pieces of 
26ga zipped together, 70ft on a leg suspended from a 35' center.
it works just fine and seems to have great bandwidth.

just curious.  I know that some loops are made from magnetic speaker 
wire and are used for both RX and TX.

anyone have an answer or a source?

chas, k5dam

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