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[TowerTalk] Wire Rope Crushed on Winch Reel Query

To: towertalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Wire Rope Crushed on Winch Reel Query
From: Dennis Vernacchia <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 10:14:48 -0700
List-post: <">>
Can anyone tell me why a wire rope cable would tend to
crush itself in the layers on the center hub of a winch ?

I purchased the wire rope at a Marine rigging company in San Diego
as the cheezy cable I saw at Home Depot and also a  Ace hardware affiliated
didn't look up to the task !
 ( Are the Marine rigging places also now getting wire rope from China !?
I would bet regular hardware stores are, but hopefully not the Marine
rigging places )

The cable was 0.260 inch diameter galvanized steel and rated for 6,000 to
7,000 lBs.
( I did tell the Marine rigging vender that the cable was going to be used
on a winch
and not for just a staic line and the cable does aopear to be fleixible
to deal with being wound on a typical winch hub.)

The calculated weight was 1440 lBs. in the tower tilting system.

There was at least 1 row of cable on the reel under the crushed section
which is
about 3 inches in length and there was at least 1 or 2 rows of cable on top
of the crushed section.

I was careful to try to keep the cable evenly spaced on the small center hub
of the
*Dutton*-Lainson 2 speed winch which is rated for several tons.

I also need to know what to specify when I go to get a new cable made.

I can e-mail photos of the crushed section if anyone is interested.

73, Dennis N6KI

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