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[TowerTalk] Need some comments and advice

Subject: [TowerTalk] Need some comments and advice
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 08:08:32 -0400
List-post: <">>

It seems as the history continue to repeat itself. They are, simple, stalling 
my application and I suspect they hope "it will go away".

Any positive and/or constructive advice is appreciated.

73 de,

Hans - N2JFS

The question of a ham radio tower to be constructed on the Stage Road property 
of Hans Hammarquist is still pending.  Sirean LaFlamme told fellow 
commissioners that town attorney Robert Fisher has not yet gotten back to her 
with a firm date for a consultative appearance before the board.  The board has 
a number of questions for Fisher, including the applicability of zoning 
ordinances regarding telecommunication towers and the possibility of setting 
conditions on the proposed tower’s location, the board’s authority to ascertain 
whether Hammarquist is licensed, and whether it can impose conditions to 
protect neighbors from electronic interference.  Board members hope to meet 
with Fisher at the July 13 meeting, but are willing to hold a special meeting 
with the attorney if that date is not possible.                  

Read more:  Deerfield Valley News - Halifax subdivision approved 


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