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[TowerTalk] Shack ground

To: TowerTalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Shack ground
From: w4lde <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 15:15:00 -0400
List-post: <">>
This maybe the wrong place to ask so excuse me for the bandwidth but:

I have several ground posts just outside of the home connected together 
and then also tied to the house electrical panel ground system.

Just inside the house and in the basement is a connector panel for coax 
and rotor lines also tied to the ground system.  From that system I have 
a #6
run to the 2nd floor shack antenna tuner, about 25ft.

All of my grounds terminate in the shack to the back of the antenna 
tuner used with a 80M zepp however, all of the equipment sits on a large 
metal desk which is also tied to the tuner ground point.

Question:  Would I better off using the desk as a single point to 
connect all of the ground straps from the rigs and other devices 
including the Tuner and Ham PC, I have no RFI in the shack and it maybe 
a waste of time but I thought I get opinions?

73 de


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