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[TowerTalk] FW: airline travel with antenna(s) in a golf bag

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] FW: airline travel with antenna(s) in a golf bag
From: "Gary E. Jones" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 06:44:22 -0500
List-post: <">>

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary E. Jones [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 6:41 AM
To: 'jimlux'
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] airline travel with antenna(s) in a golf bag

I have carried small tribanders and butternut verticals in a golf bag on
airlines, but did all of that before the airlines started charging for bags.
I had no problems with this strategy. Tom Shiller always carried his hamfest
demonstration antennas this way and gave me the idea of how to do it when I
first started. I would assume that the issue is the weight of the golf bag.
I doubt that they care about anything now but the weight of the bag and
their specification for what can be in it is a concern for the weight, and
if you pack three sets of clubs and a ten dozed golf balls, then you can
expect to be hit with an upcharge above the typical bag charge. 

Please write a note back to the listserve indicating what actually happened
so that we all benefit from your experience. 


                       Gary        W5FI 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of jimlux
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:05 PM
To: WW3S
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] airline travel with antenna(s) in a golf bag

WW3S wrote:
> Planning a first contest dxpedition....was thinking of packing a small 
> vertical, along with some other gear, in a airline type golf bag....will
> airlines accept this? or does it need to be golf equipment in there? In 
> reviewing Delta's policy, it almost looks like they allow only clubs,
> and one pair of shoes in the bag... 

The guys who did the EME DXpedition in Kenya last year packed all their 
antennas in ski bags.  They said there were questions when they unloaded 
their "ski"s in Nairobi, but the airline went for it.

Different airlines are different, and you can't necessarily trust the 
website, because the person at the counter usually has the final say 
(especially if you're standing there with a reservation).

A lot of times there's a generic "sporting equipment" fee.

Or, if you have cash.. you can buy a seat for it.  Just like people with 
Cellos, etc.  (we do this at work when hand carrying spaceflight 
hardware which won't fit in the overhead bin).

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