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Re: [TowerTalk] soldering radials

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] soldering radials
From: Jim Lux <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:31:20 -0700
List-post: <">>
On 8/16/11 3:28 AM, Mark Robinson wrote:
> DXE supply a ring lug. You can crimp and solder the radial wire to the ring
> lug and then you can bolt the ring lug to the plate using the stainless
> steel nuts and bolts supplied with the plate. I would also apply Penetrox to
> the ring lug and bolt threads before you bolt it up.
> Mark N1UK
> If yes, how can I solder them? Also if I use a DXE plate to atacch the
> radials, I need to solder the wire to terminals, so what type of solder may
> I use?

I wouldn't bother with all that soldering and crimping.

Get 3 or 4 of the ground/neutral bus things at the hardware store for $5 
each.  They're aluminum with holes and screws to clamp down on the wire. 
  There's nothing special about arranging the wires in a circular 
pattern other than appearance.

The ground lug things are a LOT faster.. strip wire, shove into hole, 
crank down on screw.  When you're done, a drop of loctite on each screw 
to hold them from backing out.  If you're worried about corrosion, cover 
the whole thing in paint or noalox.

here's a picture of one in copper


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