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Re: [TowerTalk] Anemometer system for tower, with web posting

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Anemometer system for tower, with web posting
From: "Kenneth Goodwin" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 15:01:30 -0600
List-post: <">>
If spending money is in the solution space, the Davis WeatherLinkIP is the
slick solution.  Check out mine at
which is mounted about 60 feet up the 80 foot tower.  I believe it collects
data every 10 seconds and posts to the Davis web site about once a minute.
It captures the highest wind gust for transmission.  It requires no Internet
authoring which is a downside since the XYL would like to have a customized
background display for the hosted data.


It is a couple of clicks to set up dumping the data to the findu service.
Mine is at


The Vantage Pro2 is wireless, no RFI into my station although my KW will
occasionally a few parameters on the Vantage Pro2 display.  I have not seen
it nail any of the Internet data since I use a Weather Envoy (no display) to
interface between my Internet Router and the Davis data.  One can download
the data from the Weather Envoy to one's computer for detailed analysis.
The Davis WeatherLink software has numerous ways of displaying and graphing
the data with just about any way it you want it displayed/graphed.
Obviously the router and the Internet service must be on 24/7 if you want to
see all of the data.


The Davis Internet service allows anybody to investigate all WeatherLinkIP
stations that are hosting data so you can easily get a big picture of the
weather from any nearby WeatherLinkIP stations.


The Davis people provide excellent support and they are on my A-List.  Only
problem is that the good stuff is not cheap.  Ken K5RG


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