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Re: [TowerTalk] HF-VHF-VHF Stacked Yagi's on Single Mast

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HF-VHF-VHF Stacked Yagi's on Single Mast
From: "Larry Banks" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 10:54:12 -0500
List-post: <">>
Hi Brad,

I would suggest you read HOW TO PLAN THE INSTALLATION OF MULTIPLE VHF ANTENNAS ON ONE MAST on the Directive Systems webpage:
73 -- Larry -- W1DYJ

----- Original Message ----- From: "N8GLS" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2013 12:32 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] HF-VHF-VHF Stacked Yagi's on Single Mast


I have a Hygain HG-54HD Crank-Up Tower which had a Hygain TH5MK2 HF tri-band
Beam and a Cushcraft 17B2 2m Boomer all on 8 Ft of mast (10 Ft total with 2
Ft inside the tower). I'm adding an M² 6m Yagi, changing the TH5MK2 beam for
a Cushcraft X7 (w/40m add-on kit) and keeping the Cushcraft 17B2 2m Boomer.
All to be on 12 Ft of new 1026 DOM Mast (14 Ft total with 2Ft inside the
tower).  The stack will be as follows, from bottom to top;

At 2 Ft from top of tower---Cushcraft X7 (HF 40m-20m-15m-10m), 18 Ft boom, 6
elements, longest element 40 Ft, 9.9 Sq Ft wind area.
At 5 Ft above the X7---Cushcraft 17B2 (2m) Boomer, 31  Ft boom, 17 elements,
longest element 3.5 Ft, 3.9 Sq Ft wind area.
At 5 Ft above the 17B2---M² 6M5X (6m), 18 Ft boom, 5 elements, longest
element 5 Ft, 2.2 Sq Ft wind area.

At the end of the day, I have 12 Ft of mast to stack the above mix of beams.
The spacing above is in order of wind surface area, which is my main
concern.  I have looked at capture area(s), recommended stacking distances,
and I end up needing a mast length that is not feasible for the tower.  So,
does anyone have a better stacking arrangement than the above ???

This project started out as just taking down the old tower and painting
it...then after seeing it's not going to be easy to drop that thing without
some kind of raising fixture I bought a new US Tower raising fixture and
re-vamped it to fit the HyGain base, bought the new 6m yagi, then the
Cushcraft X7, all new coax and rotor cable, new mast, and now I decided to
have the tower re-hot dip galvanized instead of painting it (cant paint in
winter)....and of course it's December, the end of December actually, in
northeast Ohio, need I say more ??  Oh ya, and I'd like to get this done
before the VHF contest in a few weeks..Ha..

Thanks for any comments on the XYL is already giving plenty of
commentary on all the other..

73 de Brad, N8GLS


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