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Re: [TowerTalk] Carolina Winsome and vertical radiator question

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Carolina Winsome and vertical radiator question
From: Steve Hunt <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 22:41:42 +0000
List-post: <">>
However, the OP proposes to use a Balun Designs 4125 at his feedpoint; that's a 4:1 voltage balun, which is why I mentioned it :)
"I have chosen Balun Designs 4125 for the 4:1 balun, recommended for a 
true windom and a 1115d Max Choking 1:1 for the "line isolator".
Steve G3TXQ

On 25/01/2015 22:33, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
But of course, if you put a 4:1 voltage balun at the feedpoint the
braid isn't connected directly to either leg :)
Which is why the Carolina Window did not use a voltage balun <G>.  I
believe it used a basic *auto-transformer* - or that's what the one I
autopsied a few years ago looked like (I had the PVC housing of a CW160
DMU fail after several years in the Florida sun).

At one time the Carolina Windom "story" indicated the feedpoint DMU
was designed to force unbalanced current and "force" vertical
radiation.  That would be consistent with an autotransformer instead
of a voltage balun.  However, the fixed length of the vertical radiator
would almost certainly result in different "vertical" components from
band to band.


  ... Joe, W4TV


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